Evil Hat posts about Lovecraft. Angers trolls.

Going in circles, are we?..
There is no need to avoid him, because he is dead. And his works are fiction, not indoctrinating at all. It’s not like reading Lovecraft would make anyone racist, quite the opposite nowadays I would say - those passages in his books really take you out of the experience. He didn’t write the Mein Kampf of cosmic horror.

This some of the most hilarious stuff I’ve read in a while, thank you.
I read two books of his and in those, you can read some obviously racist stuff, and it is awkward to say the least, but not even close to a letter like that. And thankfully relatively rare.
This, however, breaks any parody I could’ve even thought of, and I have tears in my eyes cause I laughed so hard. I definitely need to show this to more people.

Yeah its eye opening to say the least :) Cheers!

Excuse for what?

“his time” being the excuse

“His time” is not being used to excuse anything, but to say his own peers thought he was excessive.

No, the “he was just a product of his time” excuse.

Ok, who is making that claim?

It was literally a reply to you like fifteen posts ago lol

Except, again it was to show he was excessive among his peers. I am sure he could fit right in certain groups then, and even today.

You described him as extreme, even for his time. Sheep replied “are you sure?” and proceeded to describe why he thought otherwise. So…I’m not sure how else to interpret that?

I’m also pretty sure the PRODUCT OF HIS TIME nonsense was also trotted out in the last thread, which we’ve been rediscussing in this one due to obvious relevance, though I’m less interested in reliving that particularly maddening conversation for a second time in as many days to pull quotes.

Yeah, I am not arguing that he was a product of his time as an excuse for his behavior, but rather he was more excessive than his peers at the time. I guess the difference is too subtle.

You realize that TheSheep is saying you are wrong right? That he doesn’t think Lovecraft was extreme even for his time? That’s his reply to you.

I mean… this excuse keeps happening with these topics, but you were not the one making it. it was a response to what you said though. Also, Teiman basically said the same thing right above you.

It’s okay everyone was racist then

That is strange, I actually agree largely with what TheSheep posted. He didn’t claim I was wrong, just questioning a bit.

He’s questioning whether or not Lovecraft was more racist than your typical racist, whether he was extreme. That’s not “a bit.” The man’s views were monstrous, extraordinarily bad, and most the people who think otherwise spend more time arguing how not so bad he was than actually looking at the mountains, mountains of material we have from him.

Mountains of…Madness?

To be fair to The Sheep I do not believe he/she was aware of those letters which lay it out explicitly. I mean might wanna give a fellow poster room to respond. Just a thought.

I think you just made my argument for me.

We have so much information on this guy, not just what he wrote, but what other wrote about him, about his strange habits, his notable, very unusual habits. And by so much I mean thousands of letters, thousands, AND his material, the actual stuff he wrote/fiction, really isn’t that subtle.

There is no “a bit” about it. Either someone knows about Lovecraft and can intellectually digest the truth, or they don’t know, or won’t accept it. There is no “a bit” about either of those positions. If someone doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about, exit stage right or listen. If they can’t accept it, just exit. These are facts, not alternate facts, not fanclub lover letters, absolute facts that be cross checked, verified or even read in his thousands of letters and material he wrote during his life time, and that’s not including the stuff other people wrote about him.

So yeah put the for his time shit to rest.

I agree. Lovecraft was prolific in his views of other people. You are hung up too much on “a bit” though.