
I’m now using MultiMC: https://github.com/MultiMC/MultiMC5

This allows to download packages from curse, FTB and Technic. Or manually.

(caveat, with certain packages the installation returns an error about renaming a directory override. This seems caused by antivirus programs, even if they don’t return errors. Disabling it will fix the issue)

Using curse or FTB you can select the version of the pack, but the problem here is that once you have your thing there’s no way to automate an update, when a new version comes out.

In the end there might be some tricky parts to manage updates, like having to update the quest manual. So it still needs some understanding and manual work…

The good thing about MultiMC is that it doesn’t depend on original Minecraft and keeps the whole thing “portable”, without putting files into C:

To upgrade a package you probably have to create a new instance and then copy the directories manually.

I tried a few things. FTB Interaction… I don’t like much because it spawns you in the void and makes you work on tons of absurd recipes before you even set a foot in the overworld.

Then I tried Divine Journey 2… And this one feels a lot more barebone and standard than GTNH. The beginning is a lot more vanilla, but for example here you create the axe before you create the construction bench. This mod seems… another progression monster: https://i.redd.it/huwbtzcbu5k71.png

And since I now absolutely love quest-based progression, this one has 1600 quests.

Then I also got Enigmatica 2: Expert, but I didn’t have time even to boot it once. But these three packs plus GTNH the king is what got most of my attention, reading the comments around, including Valhelsia 3 mentioned above.

(In most of these packs you may want to use Optifine for better performance. Most packs are either based on Minecraft 1.7.10 or 1.12.2, so if you want to use Optifine you can simply dump the jar file into the mod directory of the pack. It should load automatically.)

Oh, and the Songs of Syx patch notes:

  • Children. Walks around and eats your food while contributing to nothing.

…It’s getting a bit out of hands.

(…a few weeks later…)

(all of these VERY important, with “All in One” and “Hundred Days of One Block” being exceptions since I was curious, but they can be removed from Noteworthy List. RLCraft is a popular mod, but also not relevant here since it’s just an RPG-like, not factory/automatization)

I shall keep this widget updated, since I lose track of things myself.

  • Divine Journey 2 and GTNH are the giant progress quest mods.

  • GTNH and FTB Interactions are the two based on GregTech, but Interactions starts in the void and the standard survival gameplay seems diminished. Both are tech-based progress, but Interactions is based on a community port of GT that should be more limited and incomplete. GTNH has arguably the best oldschool, complete and well integrated version of GregTech that isn’t 6.

  • Valhelsia 3 is giant, but is “kitchen sink” style and despite it’s well done and curated, it’s more a giant collection of mods, and doesn’t have quests to structure the progression. So it’s more an open sandbox. (a quest extension seems to be in development)

  • Both Valhelsia 3 and Enigmatica 2 have PSI, a very interesting “magic programming” mod.

  • Multiblock Madness is the only one to have NuclearCraft and QMD (for nuclear reactors and particle accelerators…). It is progress-quest based, but mostly pure tech. Not GregTech, though.

  • Bears Den Surviving Take 2 and Terra Firma Rescue and the only two modpacks I found that include GregTech 6. Bears Den is up to date, Terra Firma is on a few months old version, but has quest based progression.

…So all of these have different things I want to see. I want the quest based progression, I want to see Psi, OpenComputers and NuclearCraft, and I also wants to see how GregTech 6 works.

(A few days later… I’m digging down this rabbit hole. I’m not just expanding the number of modpacks I’m downloading, but now also studying them and braking them apart to assemble a custom one that joins a lot of content + the latest GregTech 6 + all the Reika mods, known as RotaryCraft & companions… Reika having a degree in aerospace engineering, and having made the most uncompromising complex technical mods. Long story short: these are all about design, and the author doesn’t want modpack makers to compromise the radical design quality of the mod, so more or less forbids/restricts modifications to the recipes. The end result is that both Reika mods and GregTech, especially the newer versions, very rarely show in modpacks.)

Hey, guys…

There are reasons for what I do :)

This isn’t about discussing Minecraft, but about suggesting other “games” that directly target the same player-type of Factorio. That’s why I didn’t even know this stuff existed, since I generally do not care about Minecraft. Now I discovered a whole new world.

All those modpacks I listed are all directly tied to the same Factorio type of tech progression. Most Minecraft players, in a similar way, probably know this stuff exists, and do not care.

That’s fair, I guess. It’s just that I’m the opposite. My kids play Minecraft all the time and I’m sick of hearing about it :P

A similar type game coming out in 2 weeks (with free demo out now) that Factorio fans might want to check out.


Like a MUCH flashier and polished version of Factorio that plays up the hostile wildlife a hell of a lot more, while moderately simplifying the supply chains.

I’m thinking we play Factorio in very different ways.

Coming to the switch. I might have to give that a shot.

Not only do they not do sales, apparently Wube is raising the price of Factorio:

I didn’t want to give this creator any money anyway, and I’m definitely not going to fund their egg habit.

I’ve owned Factorio for ages but just finally started actually playing it this week. The time sink is real.

I’ve owned it for years, and have had a couple short spurts where I dumped 50 or so hours into a map. It is easy to spend a lot of time with it. Like @GreenWeej is saying though, I don’t know that I would give them money these days. I’m sure more has happened that I don’t know about, but the founder seemed like an ass, and a creep a while back.

Yeah, I’m not sure they’ll get my money for their big upcoming expansion. But I’ve got no issue playing what I already own.

I’m downloading the demo now. I’ll give it a shot to see how it is before the price increase. I had a great time perusing Steam and witnessing the salty tears of rage. Also downvoted all the negative reviews based on the price increase. Obviously I prefer the price of games to go down over time, but if someone wants to increase the price of their games (Lord knows the price of everything else has gone up) then that’s their business.

Their pricing policy has worked for them. I’m sure it helps that they have a really good game. :) They could’ve charged people $60 and they likely still would’ve got their money’s worth out of the game.

Oh, no, really? :(

Yeah, I’d read the same - I really enjoyed the demo and it was on my wishlist for a long time, but seeing @GreenWeej comment reminded me I meant to take it off my wishlist and hadn’t, so I did. Ironically I came into the thread when I saw it bump out of an interest in maybe revisit the idea of picking it up.

I wouldn’t hold it against someone if they bought the game. There are 30+ people at Wube, and it is a great game.

Has anything else come close to it? I need to try Satisfactory one of these days.

Getting into Factorio now after playing Satisfactory last year they ultimately feel very different. That additional dimension changes a lot! For straight up automation game I think Factorio is probably better. But Satisfactory lets you inhabit the world and really marvel at what you built. Plus verticality matters. It also has a bunch of different biomes with different considerations for building in each. But none of the base defense stuff. Enemies just attack the player

I guess Oxygen Not Included sorta scratched a similar itch for me but it’s also very different.

Satisfactory is simultaneously great but still a bit too unfinished, and they’re taking forever with it. But fox.mrs and myself have enjoyed it well enough in the coop mode! Do wish it was a bit more… action-ey, though. The combat isn’t great and the fauna doesn’t really feel that threatening; it only really serves as a way to slow down exploration.