
I know there is another thread with a similar conversation, but I wouldn’t hold it against someone either. Everyone is going to draw their own line with personal boycotts. I’m sure enough digging on any company would find things that would provide ample reason to consider not buying their products. Granted, the face of a company being an awful person rather publicly makes it all much easier to decide in favor of not buying.

Dyson Sphere Program is the big one.

??? in what way? The factorio devs have shown nothing but class in the years ive been playing. what is this referring to?

Here’s a primer, first Google result for “Factorio controversy.”

And here’s another:

For me, the second someone says “cancel culture,” my eyebrow arches. Like when someone says “woke”, it’s a tell. But when they claim that “statutory rape” is an “SJW term,” that goes BEYOND it being a tell, and I can’t in good conscience give them money. It’s an unambiguous attempt to politicize and equivocate child rape.

The thing I knew about was Kovarex being jerk in some argument about “Uncle” Bob Martin. Then with @GreenWeej comment I went to see what else he’d been up to, and apparently was saying it is okay for teachers to seduce students and wondering if statutory rape is a sjw term. I didn’t go digging into it beyond a quick search. Not sure if there is more out there.

And beat by @DrCrypt with my slow typing on the iPad.

Well, it’s not great and he’s obviously a bit of a idiot… They are from the Czech republic though and not native english speakers so I might give them a pass on statutory rape comment… still disappointing, thanks for sharing. I thought there was at least one game with no controversy in the community haha

If you look at the Reddit thread, he described how it was okay if it was consensual. So he seemed fine with the idea.

In the Czech Republic the age of consent is 15. No idea if he was commenting on age of consent in the US, elsewhere, or in CZ specifically (yikes), but that may add (a bit) of context depending on the situation.

They got my money a long time ago, and I got my money’s worth, so I’m not bothered enough to dig into every detail of what he said - it was a foolish thing to say.

That’s another commenter in the same thread. And the whole point of statutory rape is that someone who is underage can’t meaningfully give consent, so saying “it’s fine if a kid says it’s not rape” doesn’t mitigate the problem.

In regards to Factorio, there’s tons of games to give my money to. I don’t need to bend over backwards justifying the reasons why someone’s English languages skills may or may not have lead them to inadvertently hand wave away predatory sex with minors as some sort of abstract political problem. If he didn’t mean what he said because of translation issues, a full-throated apology for his ignorance and a correction of his values would set the record straight at once. Nearly a year later, he hasn’t done that, indicating strongly he said exactly what he meant.

Is he not person commenting at the bottom here?

I don’t know anything about Factorio or its main dev, but I can highly recommend Mindustry if anyone wants to dip their toes into the genre:

Stellar reviews, and the price regularly dips down to “less than a large candy bar” levels.

Second best right after Factorio will always be GregTech.

Like I said earlier: when people start trying to split moral hairs this way, it’s a tell. And when the person doing the moral hair splitting has an anime character for their user icon, it’s a DOUBLE tell. So I’m not going to get bogged down debating you about which exact age it becomes morally acceptable to fuck your students. (Although, as in all of these things, half your age plus seven is a pretty good rule to follow.) I’ll just repeat my point that if the developer of Factorio didn’t mean to make the same “Statutory rape is an SJW conspiracy!” argument as Matt Gaetz about why it’s okay for a person taking advantage of their position of authority to have sex with arguable children, he has had ample time to correct the record.

Keep forgetting about this.

Desynched is the new upcoming hotness for those that need more RTS in their factories.

And for those that are intrigued by GregTech but still value their sanity, start with something a bit more palatable like Nomifactory.


Don’t worry, just because you value your sanity doesn’t mean you get to keep it. The link above is a GregTech edit of Nomifactory - there are links on the page to take you to the ‘normal’ Nomifactory as well.

Ohhh looks nice!

Desynced add to the wishlist to keep an eye on it.

@RothdaTheTruculent I picked up Mindustry since it is on sale right now. Seems like it will be much more combat focused, but should be fun and worth the $4.50 it is on sale for.

@NuclearWinter I need to grab Dyson Sphere at some point. It looked almost too chaotic in some of the screens I’ve seen.

@HRose and @Daagar I should give the minecraft mods a try. Maybe the kids will love those as well since they are addicted to Minecraft.

I don’t know that any of them will scratch the itch as well as Factorio though. It just seems to really appeal to the programming part of my brain.

Edit: This just popped up in my youtube feed:

Plan B has a free demo on Steam right now, and it’s very much in a similar wheelhouse as Factorio.

@HRose (Grendel?) I want you to know that thanks to you I have installed Minecraft for the first time in almost a decade.

Try the Create mod, that’s been giving me weeks of entertainment lately. it actually adds something that other factory games haven’t quite managed to emulate!