Faëria - online strategy card game

Yeah. Love it too. And one thing you need to watch for is other players “stealing” your game board from under you, with conquest cards and other land grabbing effects. Suddenly, your ability to spawn stuff gets severely limited. My current beginner deck can’t quite deal with that yet.


It’s buggy though. Sometimes apparently randomly I’ll be playing and my cards and land disappears and most of the buttons stop working.

Also needs a “concede” button. Having to keep playing out the game after it’s clear I’ve lost sucks.

I believe the amount of memorium you are awarded may be determined by how many rounds your game lasted.

Interesting. That’s a weird way to do it, but OK.

Also, anyone know of a card database or spoiler somewhere?

They mention in the FAQ that there is not one as the cards are still in flux. Have not found an unofficial list yet either.

I started with yellow, and it does have some fun ways to get a jump on your opponent (a couple of Sandstorms in the early game got me to a faëria hex two turns ahead of my opponent). But the starter doesn’t have any heavy hitters, so you’re toast if you take too long against, say, green.

I don’t think so. Maybe it’s to avoid memoria farming?

This can be finicky, so you might need to try it a few times. Also, be sure you’ve got all the prerequisites for the action (energy, gold, faëria).

Goblin Explosion will also destroy the land and its resource if there aren’t any creatures on it. That can be good for staving off invasions or the playing of a high resource card.

I think if you click on the arrow on the left side of your username (which is in the upper left corner), a drop down menu with “Surrender” will appear.

And your experience level. Though I’m disappointed to hear that’s it’s only based on the length of the game. I was expecting things like life remaining to count for something.

Yes it does, thanks!

So what’s you guy’s Memorium strategy? Are Legendary and Rare cards worth the chase? That’s quite a lot of matches for one random rare card.

I’ve bought 2 of the red starters and won 4/6 matches so far. (Well, actually 5/6, but one was a timeout in a game I was losing.) Haven’t needed anything else, so I saved my first 1000 and got a legendary pack…which, of course, had zero red cards in it. I’ll probably buy a couple of each of the other starters next, just to give me a better card base to try out.

The game page says they are “tradable” cards, can someone confirm for me that there is a trading room or auction house or something similar where players can trade?

There’s a chatroom where you can make trades. I haven’t needed to do it yet, but I see people going into trades all the time.

In as Harkonis

There is an unofficial card list here.

Hey, great, thanks.

Now I know what to chase after anyway. My Red/Yellow deck could certainly use a Sandstorm Dragon and a Wish of the Devil.

I think I’m becoming quickly pretty addicted to this game. It’s pretty early-going yet, but I’m currently running a red/yellow deck with lots of ranged orb damage and flying creatures. I was losing a lot at first, but now that I’m learning you have to be aggressive with this deck I’ve won 4 of my last 5.

One thing I had to discover is that, at least early on, creatures rule. Preferably with Charge or Haste. Now that I’ve purged a lot of the situational-use events out of my deck I’m having more success.

I’m running into the same problem I always have with these kinds of games…not enough viable deck options. I’m at level 11, and I’m finding that I have to play the same way charmtrap is…red base with ranged orb damage, combined with something else in support: blue and yellow seem to be best. Anything not based on red isn’t viable because it takes too long to get going. Based on what I see in chat and on the forums this will change with more cards (red actually seems to be too slow at higher levels), but I may never get there because I’m tired of playing the same deck over and over, and any change causes me to lose consistently. After my initial 1000-mem pack purchase I’ve been buying the cheaper packs, but cards still come in at a frustratingly slow rate, especially when you consider that you need at least 2 and preferably 3 copies to make a real difference in most games.

Yeah. I’m giving it time though. They’re still actively balancing and adding new cards (new patch tonight they’re saying in chat). Adding an ability to save and swap decks would be a huge help too.

There’s only 240-something cards so far in the whole game, many of the best of which newbies don’t have realistic access to. From what they say on the forums, green and blue/green are the most powerful colors in higher-level play.

TheIrish is streaming a game against the developers on his Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/theirishlol

The blue deck played by the developer in the previous game was brutal.

Worth a look if you are curious about strategies and more tuned decks.


Right now I’m enjoying this much more than Scrolls- though I hate grinding for cards against folks who have much more powerful decks, it’s part of the genre.

Me too. I wanted to like Scrolls, but never really got into it. This is very enjoyable though.

I finally won my first online game on my 5th match. I’m using a green deck and have progressively been making it more and more creature heavy, as it was just getting overwhelmed every which way by faster decks. It’s not very competitive yet though. But I enjoy the learning curve on deck building and understanding strategies.


Well, a few days later and I’m thinking about cancelling my kickstarter. It’s a good casual game to pick up and play, but there’s not enough different potential strategies to justify the grind for cards. It’s just playing the same basic deck over and over and over. I’m sure it’ll be better once they add better trading features, maybe some sort of currency to trade with, and a way to save decks.