Failing Trump administration. Sad!

The stack of different scandals around Pruitt is just unbelievable, even apart from him (sortof legally) dismantling the EPA from the inside. Is he trying to prove that government is wasteful by personally wasting as much money as possible in the most comically absurd ways?

True. But neither Obama nor Bush seemed to think he should run the VA.

I’m not sure that heavy drinking White House doctor is any better or worse than a heavy drinking VA administrator.

Now the allegations that he creates are toxic work environment are clearly worse for the VA than the White House.

Clearly the reason Trump picked Jackson for VA is that Jackson is a man after his own heart. (The harassing women part; just about the only thing that can be said to Trumo’s credit is that Donnie’s doesn’t drink.)

During an overseas trip in 2015, Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, the White House physician, was intoxicated and banged on the hotel room door of a female employee, according to four sources familiar with the allegation…

At the time, the incident was reported up the chain of command, and it is one of multiple drunken episodes involving Jackson on overseas trips, according to a source familiar.

… aaaand also:

“On overseas trips, the admiral would go down the aisle way of the airplane and say, ‘All right, who wants to go to sleep?’ And hand out the prescription drugs like they were candy and put them to sleep, and then give them the drugs to wake them back up again,” [Senator Tester] said, citing reports from 20 or more people.

Donnie may not drink, but he did (at a minimum) abuse diet pills in the 80s … Does he want his own candy man? (Or at least one that’s younger and better looking than the last one.)

How did Jackson manage to keep his job?? That’s insane.

Jackson sounds like a blast to hang out with at parties.
Running the VA, not so much.

A ‘drain the swamp’ how-to:

Mick Mulvaney, the interim director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, told banking industry executives on Tuesday that they should press lawmakers hard to pursue their agenda, and revealed that, as a congressman, he would meet only with lobbyists if they had contributed to his campaign.

“We had a hierarchy in my office in Congress,” Mr. Mulvaney, a former Republican lawmaker from South Carolina, told 1,300 bankers and lending industry officials at an American Bankers Association conference in Washington. “If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.”

Well he’s a terrible person, but at least he’s honest about it!

Par for the course.

More Jackson allegations emerge:

Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, the White House physician nominated to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs, provided “a large supply” of Percocet, a prescription opioid, to a White House military office staff member, throwing his own medical staff “into a panic” when the medical unit could not account for the missing drugs, according to a summary of questionable deeds compiled by the Democratic staff of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

If there’s any truth to that, it will sink him for sure.

I mean, in a sane world anyway.

He’ll fit right in.

Yup. Replace “Jackson” with “Trump” and “WHMU” with “White House” in the memo and it would still ring true.

Well, at least we all now understand how a bottom admiral could give Trump’s health such a glowing review.

He’s probably fucked in the military, but beyond that who fucking knows anymore.

Well, I guess we can close this thread now!

And of course Trump suggests that the Democrat who dared question Dear Leader’s choice should be voted out:

Another example of our narcissistic commander in chief reigning down jabs against those he disagrees with from his bully pulpit.

I would brand my car with a FUCK TRUMP sticker if it wouldn’t target me for getting keyed while in the Walmart parking lot.

Younger, better-looking Dr. Feelgood withdraws his name, and at the same time Donnie calls in with an unhinged rant on Fox and Friends. Coincidence? Or was there no one around to give Donnie his horse tranquilizer this morning?