Fallout 4

Breakin’ in here to ask whether anyone has an inkling on when Bethesda might make a pack out of FO4 and it’s extra content ala Skyrim’s Legendary Edition (now Special Edition)? Is it about 2 years after release, 3 years? I’m on a crusade to avoid most games that have season passes and or DLC that nickle & dime players to an empty wallet until collections start appearing that bring it all together. Hasn’t been an issue for the most part, but I’m looking ahead to the timing of a possible FO4 entry.

No clue on a FO4 bundle; I picked up the DLC on a steam sale though so I’m guessing the next step would be some sort of compilation eventually.

They’ve done it on every other game, right? Why wouldn’t they on Fallout 4?

I recently started playing as well. I tried vanilla and just kept hitting “well that doesn’t make sense” walls a bit too much so I threw in some vanilla-ish mods and they have really made the game much more enjoyable. I recommend these.

Framework Underlay for a few of the following Mods:

Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)

Inventory management:

DEF_UI - You can also modify the UI with this one but I liked the vanilla. The real draw for me is the extended inventory lists.
Valdacil’s Item Sorting - I am a Fallout hoarder and this helps sorting all my non-junk items into their appropriate boxes, never to be seen again.

Why can I only put armor on Rugged Leather?

Armorsmith Extended


Enhanced Blood Textures - Because it exists it must be used
True Storms - Wasteland Edition - This one is fabulous. After a restless night you set off early. The fog is so thick you cannot even see across the street… you hear gun shots in the distance…


Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) - This one cannot be done through the nexus installer and the next mod requires it.
Achievements - Adds back the Steam Achievements to a modded game because I must have it. Honestly this is why I kept trying and failing at playing an unmodded version.

So I’m still in the starting phase, PS4, got the Minutemen to Sanctuary. and now I’m just wandering around. I thought the quest of helping the Minutemen in Sanctuary would be a tutorial, but nope. They don’t tell ya anything. I’m not sure how Bethesda expects you to know things like how to assign a settler to work crops, for example - do they just assume you’ll look things up on the internet?

But for now I’ve just wandered close to Sanctuary and Red Rocket, just in the woods around there, found a little camp of raiders, found the Bethesda style body next to something with just hints for you to figure out what happened. I think this will scratch my open world, “just give me a world to explore” itch.

I am actually enjoying clearing Sanctuary out, but I don’t want to have to spend the game always having to tend after settlements needing more food, more this, more that. I’m a loner in style in these games. But my plan is to set up Sanctuary, then I think I want to really work in setting up Red Rocket as my true “home.” Surround it with a wall, set up all kinds of protection, build myself a nice house, a dog house (I am a loner but I like Dog Meat.) Make that my fort and refuge. In my role playing mind, Sanctuary would be too painful to live in.

So - if I don’t want to set up settlements all over the map, how will the game punish me for that? I just don’t want the busywork of having to take care of everyone else.

Wow. You’re good. I played the game for about 20 hours or so around launch on a rented copy, and this was the hardest part of the game in the first 20 hours for me. I still can’t believe they had it so early in the game. One swipe from the enemy still destroyed me even in Power Armor. And I basically had to use all my ammo, including explosives to finally succeed.

One thing I found very useful in that first battle in Concord, where you have the power armor, is to use chems. Liberally. Jet, Buffout, and Psycho make the fight oh so much easier. Even if you never use that junk again, it might be worth it this once. First one’s free.

I suggest you do put up with Preston and his quests on your first play through, simply because they introduce you to various parts of the map and give you experience. But on pretty much all of my subsequent runs I’ve ignored Preston to one extent or another. In my current game I have done zero for him after getting him to Sanctuary. I hate the whole settlement “oh noes the big bad raiders are here, halp me HALP ME!” bullshit and the need to micromanage tato crops.

Such garbage design. God, the whole settlement building stuff just makes me mad.

And then Bethesda leaned in hard on it for a bunch of their DLC. Ugh.

The one thing I found very useful in that first battle in Concord, was to SIMPLY GO INSIDE THAT SHOP RIGHT THERE.

The deathclaw can’t follow you.

It’s practically a beat-for-beat copy of that ginormous spider fight, early in Oblivion.

Well, yeah, but he will run away sometimes, and you have to coax him back, and it’s kinda cheesy. Much more fun to get high and mess him up the heroin chic way.

I’ve stopped being Preston’s errand boy for the time being. It seemed like the settlement’s needing saving never stopped and my low charisma without putting on the suit, hat and glasses means no community leader perk for now.

I did acquire a piece of property in Diamond City, but I was wondering if there will be a good place where I can create my stronghold? I’m not thrilled with Sanctuary since it has a suburb vibe. I need a place where I can stash Cait all decked out in her Grognak costume.

Pick a settlements in a spot you like, really. I’m partial to Egret Tours Marina, and surprisingly Hangman’s Alley. The “house” in the main town isn’t connected to your supply lines, which is a pretty silly oversight and really inconvenient.

AFAIK, Sanctuary cannot be lost, but most of the regular farm/settlement places can be, if you don’t feed everyone, etc. There are some good places in the DLC for sure; the Mechanist, Far Harbor, and Nuka-World DLC all have more or less solid spots to base out of. Other than that, if you don’t want to squat at a faction place Sanctuary is at least a guaranteed safe place.

Is Red Rocket a bad place to choose for a “Home?” I like that it has all the workbenches and stations right there together, and I could see completely surrounding my small settlement set up with a wall and gates and defenses.

If I do Preston’s stuff does that mean I have to take responsibility for more settlements. Because I absolutely don’t want to do that - I’m probably going to play hundreds of hours in this as a lone wanderer.

Oh, yeah, Red Rocket is great. Just put up some turrets and don’t invite anyone to live there besides you, and you’re golden.

In re the Minuteman stuff, you can always do the quests, get the experience, then ignore the little bastards and let the settlements all go to hell. As long as you aren’t in it for the Minuteman story line, who cares about some dirt farmers?

Hangman’s Alley is my favorite, because it’s right in the middle of everything. Very important for no-fast-travel survival.

There’s also that little 2-story shop or whatever it is at the three way intersection where the deathclaw originally pops out. I took him out from there with just a pipe pistol. When it runs off, it’ll always come back to that spot where you’ll be at close range to put a few more slugs in him. It’s cheesy as well, but having to face a deathclaw at level 2 or 3 is sorta fucked up.

That’s what I’m talking about. Pick away at him with your weapon of choice through the windows. Cheesy as all hell, but so is throwing a deathclaw at you right off the bat.

What’s funny is that I saw that Dealthclaw barely stick his head up, Dogmeat alerted me to him, immediately hit the VATS, hit him as hard as I could with that, then hit him without VATS while I waited for it to fill. Somehow in my first attack something happened that kept him from coming out of the underground stairs all the way, so I was able to approach and just unload on him.

I’m not sure I recall what Legendary special loot I got from him?