Fallout 4

Considering the stability of their games, it’s amazing to me Bethesda put in a limited save mode. I’m surprised they weren’t pulled limb from limb by an angry mob, frankly. Definitely going to have to circumvent that.

They added a save when you left the game --it was kinda classy move. If you quit the game you are saved. Otherwise you need a bed. But a bed puts you to sleep…and you lose time.

I had a lot of fun with that game but like Bateau mentioned above (kinda but look way above) it is brutal in survival mode. At least until you get the hang of it. But the learning curve – success graph (on a scale) is fun! (there I said it!)

There was a video posted a while ago of someone doing survival mode and one of the companions glitched and turned hostile. Must of been before the save-on-exit fix because he had to flee and find a bed to get the game to save/exit so the companion turned back to a friendly.

I’m gonna link if I can find it as it was pretty funny.

Edit: Link →

In survival mode you have to sleep to save or save on exit. So in addition to the threat posed by Bethesda bugs, you need to plan gameplay sessions around where the level designers opted to put bedrolls. Some mods re-enable saves, others try to maintain some immersion by tieing it to holotapes or cigarettes. All these mods rely on the F4 script extender, and a couple had problems. Survival mode also disables the console, but the save mod should fix that.

I may not remember everything completely, but I seem to remember thinking that if I hadn’t done some construction stuff I would have had no idea how to build a certain something I needed to build to do part of the main quest. Trying to be vague, but even with that knowledge it took two locations and a couple tries to build that device.

Agreed. You cannot COMPLETELY ignore construction stuff. You have to gather to be ready if you need to. Point well made.

But the bottomline, and maybe better put is: You don’t ever really have to do settlement construction. One faction demands this I guess. You can run and gun as you go.

In fact, ignoring settlement crap and carrying only what you need is pretty fun (in survival mode).

Does starting the settlement construction stuff actually lead to all the “defending the settlements” stuff? Seems it kinda has to I guess. I have been thinking of re-playing FO4 and if I do I may only re-build the one settlement and ignore the others.

One faction wants you to create settlements ….yeah you can bypass all settlement construction by making a choice early on.

I am hesitant to say more – You CAN rebuild sanctuary hillls and just move on…

All in all, I feel like Bethesda cut corners with the settlements, using too many of them instead of adding a few more real cities into the game. Places like Starlight Drive-in and Egret Marina feel like they could have been interesting cities.

That said, with survival mode settlements make a bit more sense. They’re a safe bed and an equipment cache. Still pretty useful even without getting into the crafting game or recruiting NPCs.

I’ve installed the game and mods in anticipation of another playthrough if I ever have the time. I’ll probably use Sim Settlements, but I’m debating using the prebuilt cities from Conqueror. If I do, I’ll probably limit them to three or four, spread around the corners of the map.

Has anyone tried using the prebuilt Conqueror settlements for Sanctuary, the Castle, etc? Is the Castle quest still playable?

Carto that does make sense. With survival mode on -settlements actually make more of a difference, especially because you cannot count on a bed. I used them that way.

So look back in this thread – I had some narrative Fallout 4 posts --Bateau did as well – Fallout 4 on its regular difficulties just means sponginess --that means if you pick the hard difficulty you just have to beat some strange ai version of death.

Now, survival mode – unlike many survival modes in many games – makes Fallout 4 a bit different. It adds all that thirst/hunger crap === but it also adds a great gameplay part: everything is 4x deadlier. You and them. One of the best games in the world …… You and the enemies are deadly as shit. You will die fast… but you can kill fast. Bethesda is a strange dumb company sometimes — but they did NOT get that wrong.

Fallout 4 survival mode – unmodded… is one of the best games this last decade. Though few really know that because I am not sure how many even played it. Look way up in this thread.

Uh, you do know that you don’t have to do every settlement, right? I’ve just focused on Sanctuary, Abernathy Farm and the Slog, because that is where there are named NPC’s. Everyone else I have avoided or ignored.

I’m extremely late to the party but I finally picked this one up. I was actually a huge fan of FO3, so I don’t quite know why it took this long. I decided to try survival mode since I like needing to eat/sleep/drink/etc in these games, but am finding the combat way too difficult.

Can anyone point me to a mod that enables the survival stuff on a less frantic difficulty setting? While I’m at it, any important bug fixes or other must-have mods for a first playthrough?

It’s been so long since I played the game I can’t recall what’s current. I put in a bajillion hours though and loved it. I’d just surf over the Nexus mod site and browse the popular mods for the game. There is still a lively community making stuff, believe it or not.

I think one of my most fun runs through the game was using some mods that added in all sorts of modern quasi-realistic guns and armor. Turned myself into a death commando from Hell and trivialized most fights, but it was a hoot. Of course, I had already run through the game several times with “normal” stuff by then.

I think the mod is called modern fire arms. It does make combat super deadly. You can one shot most things, and most things can one or two shot you. No more bullet sponges.

And you can have like a billion different ultra-fiddly mods for weapons. Most of these weapon doo-dads I have no idea what they do, either. But they sound cool. Gun porn.

I just recall that robot DLC actually makes the game worse. The one that adds these laser robot squad spawns. The quest line was stupid as hell.

Yes, utterly forgettable and you won’t lose anything by skipping it.

Ignore the haters. Robots are great and add some much needed challenge to the game. Default survival difficulty is also near perfect - it may be a little hard early on but that is the case for most of the games of this type.

I’m really thinking unofficial patches, UI fixes for PC, and some sort of scaling difficulty (these things always get too easy too fast but survival is too annoying to play near the start, I have no tolerance for repeating the same game segment over and over).