Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

The normal thing is to be banned by the developer. By Bethesda in this case. Not by Microsoft, the fact he was banned in Xbox Live, a paid service which is barely tangential to what he did, is problematic.

Here is what Bethesda posted before the beta test:


@XboxWink The Fallout 76 Stress Test is subject to the terms and conditions of the Xbox Insider Program including an NDA you will be required to accept before accessing the game.

And here are the conditions of the Insider program. Notice point 6.


If you decide to break the NDA and contravene those terms, you are risking action by MS for contravening their terms. The players were warned. People might not take them seriously. But an NDA is an NDA.

A lesson to learn…

I have heard the netcode work like this:

  • You join the game, and the matchmaking server finds a server for you. It choose one with slots free. Don’t try to fill servers. So may not put you in a server with 20/24 players, and will not put you in a 24/24 players server.
  • If you try to join your friends server. If the hard cap is not reached, it will allow you to join them, so if the server was 20/24, is now 21/24.
  • Not everyone can invite their friends, once the hardcap is reached, don’t allow more to join. So if the server is 24/24, then you will not be able to join.

This system reminds me of how Destiny “bubbles” work, and that seems to favour sparsely populated maps.

I think I am so opinionated about this game because I spent 600 hours on Fallout 4 survival mode (which is really the only way that game should be played). I will just observe what happens … but my bet is that this game FEELS like a failure. (and “NDA” lol --don’t get me started on that again …)

Seriously an NDA on a huge beta like this is just a reverse press release. Good heavens how could you control 1000 (or 10,000) people on a non-legal (it isn’t legal btw) restriction? They WANT leaks.

What a crock. Btw if I was in the beta for this goofy semi-good looking fallout game I would NOT disclose if I signed an NDA. But that’s just the lawyer in me.

I think it’s kind of clear they didn’t want leaks, two services banned him. He broke the NDA and for what! A couple of digital brownies and high fives that will mean essentially nothing even in the shortterm. He’s lucky that’s all they did

Is the PC SPECIAL code available anywhere for less than full retail? I have an Xbox cat helmet edition coming but I have actually managed to scrounge up 3 other buds who want to play on PC

I couldn’t care less about Fallout 76 (is it even coming out this year?), but I’m glad I clicked on this thread and didn’t miss that post.



Notwithstanding the silly “NDA” on this game and the whole attempt by Bethesda to make it relevant, I actually agree with Tom on this and could care less about this game. Something just smells funny about it.

Plus wow we are in an abundance of other great open world games. I love Fallout I truly do but this just seems like a ….hmmm… a half attempt at a money grab with multiplayer? Plus Conan?

Don’t get me wrong I like the Greenbrier theme – I spent a few days there myself and did the tour (look that up) but…

If it turns out it is the second coming I will be right in there. But atm it just seems weirdly yecchy.

BSG already apologizing for Fallout 76?

They sealed their fate the day they chose to make it online only.

Why are people playing their games from YEARS ago still today? MODS.

They’re saying two things in that letter.

  1. We marketed F76 like a mainline Fallout RPG, but it’s actually a Fallout online survival game. Many of you are going to hate that.

  2. The beta is really, really, buggy right now, and performance is terrible. But hey, it’s beta1.

1: (Note: F76 releases November 14th, 2018.)

Sounds like a Bethesda open world game to me.

Only with no mods and full of racial slurs and teabagging.

Lol…this is 100% accurate.

Thank you for nailing what I really missed in Fallout 4. Story? pssh.

How did you miss the whole synth plotline? It’s on the critical path.

Synths are not a race; they are subhuman. Disgusting. Except for that Valentine guy.

Also, no teabagging.

I stand, and sit, corrected!

Now there is no reason for me to play Fallout 76…