Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

More data. This has no proven (that I’m aware of) correlation with sales, but I would assume Bethesda did not want to have less engagement on Twitch three years later, when overall Twitch viewers are way, way up.

Interest in Fallout 76 Drastically Down with Less Than Half the Viewers of Fallout 4’s Launch on Twitch

This also could illustrate how hard it’s going to be for Bethesda to change the game’s trajectory. If people have given up on even watching the game, they won’t know or care when/if it gets fixed.

Doesn’t help that it is reviewing poorly (so far)

Metacritic is in the 50s and user score <3, but none of the major outlets have finished their reviews yet. They all have reviews in progress, which basically follow the same narrative, it’s buggy as hell, the core design has a ton of problems, but they’re having some fun with it. Seems like it’ll come in at around a solid C grade.

Yeah, no way I’d say this is an objectively “good” game in terms of all the measurable things you can comment on. Far from it. It has been, so far, worth the cost for me. At level 15 it’s still really fun, so I am relatively ok with it. Sort of like the Warhammer Inquisitor ARPG a while back. That game had/has flaws galore, but I got my money’s worth for sure.

So I claimed a workshop at Grafton Steel Yard but can’t figure out how to power up the extractors. The game provides zero help (big surprise!) in telling you what you must do other than putting quest markers on the extractors and mission text that says “Activate the two extractors”… that’s it. I googled it too and didn’t find anything useful. Anybody do this yet?

FYI, I did put generators down and ran power lines but maybe I’m not providing enough power. Bah.

Fallout 76 is one of those “bad games I like anyway”

Some of the big streaming accounts have been fairly unkind, and for some gamers that counts as a review.

The game is NOT buggy as hell. I have had no crashes and maybe only one time stuck in the world… no glitches or the usual bethesda bugginess. The game is definitely not for everyone, but you will miss out if you like exploring Bethesda worlds. If you like Skrim/FO3 or 4 everything they’ve done since MW, there really is no reason why you shouldn’t like this game. Imo, the scope of the exploration in F76 is the BEST of all there games, it feels more vast. The map is big and has enough content to be REPLAYABLE for quite awhile. I’m already past the point where I usually stop playing a new bethesda game… like w/ FO4 and Skyrim and come back later. This game I continue to play. Maybe its the level treadmill, the carrot on the stick, I’m early 30s now… and still feel theres alot of challenge in combat (even with 2h rushing mobs). I did get a taste of some ‘endgame’ with nukes. Be prepared is all i can say. The whole server went in the nuke zone and ran away a minute later… first time felt like an mmo raid.

You know, just because you didn’t encounter a bug, that doesn’t mean the software is bug-free.

Baghdad Bob dot gif

Just watch any streamer on Twitch for 30 minutes. The bugs are there, big and small.

I’m sure the bugs are there (it’s Bethesda), but I haven’t run into any in about 10 hours of playing.

Nope. Understand why you think that, though, I did as well.

I feel like bugs in some genres are like resolution or fps issues. Some players don’t give a crap about 30 vs 60 fps or 1080p vs 4k or whatever to the point that they honestly don’t see the difference. They’re not lying. They literally cannot tell.

I think some people see a glitch in a Bethesda game and they laugh it off or just pass right by it because it doesn’t impact their experience. I wager that for a select few, it actually enhances their play. Meanwhile, others run into a t-pose NPC and the game becomes an unplayable mess.

Yeah, that all makes sense, then you watch as someone has to totally rebuild their base because it disappeared when they changed servers. Or has to unequip/re-equip items over and over to fix a bug that messes with item weights.

Making these types of games is hard. Bethesda needed another couple months to cook this one.

Just to be clear, this actually looks like a game I would like, but I’m going to wait for another patch or two to buy in.

A lot of the streamers I talk about in this thread say the same thing: the game isn’t perfect, there are lots of problems and bugs, but I’m having a lot of fun.

Yeah, I’m one of those that isn’t terribly put out by the sorts of bugs these types of games have, but will flip out over some other types of bugs in different games. It’s all very subjective, so you kind of have to look at what reviewers/streamers are specifically pointing out to see if it matters to you. Of course, some bugs are universally bad, but many are kind of situational.

Ok, now I found a bug that is really annoying. Or maybe it’s a “feature.” When another player is interacting with a vendor, no one else can interact with the vendor. That’s right, only one player at a time can buy or sell from a vendor. Seriously? In 2018?

Not a bug, just really dumb (and maybe an artifact if their 19 year old single player engine).

Yep, really stupid, that decision. Also, crafting benches. Everyone can use them simultaneously to break down junk, but if you want to actually do any crafting? (making or upgrading weapons, armor, etc) Gotta get in line.

Also, accessing computer terminals can only be done one at a time. This is fine if you don’t care about lore / story so don’t care about reading all the entries, but annoying if you do. This is one thing that actually kinda makes playing with another person a bit annoying… having to wait for them to finish to then you can read all the things. And Zeus forbid another random player comes in behind you and needs to use the terminal because it’s a quest object… now you feel rushed. (Well, I do, anyway.)

Really hope that’s something they change.