Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

I think we all would like to know more about this game. Let me be straight: It appears that it is NOT a dumpster fire… there are some good people playing it and lord knows I love some fallout. But as someone that hasn’t beta or bought the game (and I bet I am in a huge number thinking about it) we would love to hear more about what makes it work.

And I agree that makes me think I am selfish. But if LK or someone said “let’s just do a fallout 76” here at QT3 I might soften up a bit and run in. Have I missed that?

I played yesterday with a level 29 (I am level 50), we where fighting enemies level 30 to 64. We managed to survive attacks from the scorchbeast (some sort of dragonlike bats) in the open, while at the same time hordes of ghouls level 50 where attacking, some of them armed with weapons.

Then we found a patrol of robots, some of them that huge fallout robot with 4 wells, and we beat them.

Then we killed another huge scorchbeast. then managed to adventure into this zone to a dungeon, that we cleared, and we killed the last monster in the dungeon (a scorchbeast) with almost no life left. It was one of these “we should not be alive” moments.

And then we did it again.

We were almost a terminal case from radiation, but continue ongoing and having fun.

To relax and for variety, we did a even in watoga schools, that is fighting against hordes of dumb crazy ghouls (ghouls in F76 move like the zombies in the movie 28 days after).

I would describe this session has exhilarant and amazing.

Then later in the night a old friend invited me, and one of his friends had bad internet, and that caused my client to crash and freeze almost constantly. Never experienced this before while playing coop in this game.

Even at high level survival have a role. On the last adventure, I had 10% life, 90% radiation. So I had to fight a level 64 boss with my level 50 character and my level 29 friend. We should have traveled somewhere to buy RadAway, but we had cojones the size of texas.

One thing that’s really weird for me is radiation. In solo Fallout games, I am religious about extirpating radiation levels and avoiding rads. Here, I run with a constant 10-25% radiation level because I’m actually eating all that irradiated food. Mutation time!

Well, I guess I am getting this game.


I have been bitching about how crappy my audio-technica USB mic is, and the Yeti is one of the best (other than its idiotic non-standard connection sizing) for the price. So, with my 50 dollar gift card, I got a new mic and F76 for 50 bucks.

You’re describing a lot of horde and wave battles. That just … doesn’t sound like the kind of fallout I want to play? Sure, picking my way through a large structure with some ghouls I have to go through is par for the course, but your description sounds much more like something I would expect in a blizzard MMO dungeon.

I’m still waiting on this and hoping a little time gets some of those bugs worked out.

I haven’t experienced what Teiman was describing, so don’t get the wrong impression that that is how the game experience is overall. Most of my time has been spent creeping through abandoned factories, radioactive mines, and stumbling upon a squad of angry supermutants holed up in a shattered apartment complex.

Noted, that sounds very Fallout-ish, @KevinC. Thanks for that. I should watch a few streams on it. Speaking of, is Tom or anyone from QT3 streaming it?

I think it would be really killer if Bethesda opens up the ability to host private 32-player servers, similar to what games in the survival genre do (Ark, Conan, etc). If they pair that with the same ability to run mods and adjust game rules like the aforementioned games do? I’d be in nerd nirvana. I think it would leverage the best aspect of Bethesda games, which is a terrific world/map laid out and then let the modders go wild with their imagination and creativity.

1 ghoul is not going to be a huge risk in this game. And a group of low levels can kill a level 50 creature. So the challenge come when you put yourself in a place where you can’t handle the horde, and theres a boss in the horde.

There are bit more enemies than a singleplayer game, and thats okay because many times you will be with a friend.

Dyiing while playing alone is not a game over screen, you just spawn and backtrack until you find your dead body and get your junk items. The dyiing penalty is very low.


Cons: Dull, repetitive gameplay with tedious quests, horrendous combat, and glitchy base construction. Lack of non-player characters ruins the story. One of the buggiest games ever released.

Heh, I like repetitive gameplay though, at least, when it’s this sort of repetition. It is, though, a hot mess in terms of performance, bugs, ideas half-baked or poorly executed, clunkiness, and the amazing ability to somehow ignore every single advance in building this sort of game over the past twenty years.

Combat hint:

When using melee weapons, activate VATS mode half a second before you want to hit. It will autoaim, en warp yourself if necessary, to make sure you hit. This way is easier to hit monsters that move very fast and unpredictably, such has small critters or fast zombies.

For range attack, I find smg type of weapons and sniper rifles work better. Shotguns are probably good too, but they don’t do much damage at my level.

Wow, that is one of the most negative reviews of a AAA game I’ve ever read.

How in the hell did it get a 3/10 when the summary is “A disastrous failure whose technical shortcomings may one day be fixed but whose design failings, and obliviousness to its own potential, suggests a game that is irrevocably broken.”?

What does a game have to do to get a 1/10, burn down your house?

Did you read the PC Gamer UA review?

Yeah, but UW:A isn’t a AAA game.

LOL god this game is shite. It’s a fun (to me) romp through a beautifully-realized graveyard, but it is just broken shite. Every play session kicks off a new bug or design fail.

If you worship the God of Jank, FO76 is the true Archon.

This is awesome.

I don’t mean to offend those that bought this or especially those that are having fun with it, but I’m glad I skipped it. I’ll try to keep an open mind that it becomes something I’ll be into at some point down the road (certainly there are aspects of this I think are neat), but for now I’m looking at other ways to spend my time and money, and I thank everyone that provided feedback and opinions in this thread.

I don’t see Zenimax abandoning Fallout 76. It will be a very different game in a year from now, and cheaper to boot. I expect to revisit it then.

Yeah, I think I’m hanging it up for now, and seeing where it goes. Hopefully, it gets a massive No Man’s Sky revival. As for Bethsoft not abandoning the title, though… they’ve always, always been quick to cut bait before. Of course, that was with the let the modders fix it mindset, which isn’t applicable here.

(Imagine, though, if we got a CK and private servers for FO76. Talk about your World Construction Set!)

F76 is an online game, with ongoing support promised, financed by box sales and microtransactions. That’s a very different animal. I expect we’ll see a lot of patches and new content over the next year.

On the other hand, I would bet that true private servers never happen. Maybe they’ll do the PoE thing and allow you to pay extra for a private server they host.

If they do eventually support mods, it will be paid-only, and hosted by Zenimax.