Farscape gets better... right?

I wholeheartedly endorse @krayzkrok 's suggestions here, to an almost alarming degree. I’d be more inclined to keep Black Magic and Rhapsody because of their downstream implications but you could always come back later and anyway kk’s right, I think you’ll pick up the essentials without the episode-long commitment anyway.

My only hesitation there is the B-plot with Aeryn, which is a hell of a lot more relevant than the A-plot, but it’s probably not worth the commitment.

That’s reasonable. Through the Looking Glass isn’t essential but it’s a good episode so what the hell? And yeah, Durka Returns and Human Reaction are pretty damn vital.

I think the difference is that I rather like the second season one but you’re not wrong, it’s very much an isolated plot thread.

On rewatch the Aeryn-Talyn stuff is more concentrated in that episode than I’d realized.

Yup, and it’s a great list with that aim in mind. I’m seriously book-marking that because if anyone ever asks me for a recommendation on important Farscape episodes you’ve summarized my answer for me.

I think you should only earn the right to skip episodes if you’ve already seen the entire series from start to finish.

The funny thing is, when I started out several months ago I printed out two Watch It, Skip It lists for Farscape, one from a blog the other from Reddit, and the two disagree enough that I ended up watching every S1 episode.

Which one is the episode where they show their eyeballs being pulled out of their sockets? Because gahhhhhhh skipskipskipskipskip.

I still have a crush on Sikozu.

One of my absolute favorite episodes of the show, but then I always enjoy the completely batshit ones. Have I mentioned that Scratch n’ Sniff is an all time favorite?

Important, but slow and somewhat schmaltzy. I generally skip it on rewatch. Then again I’m one of those heretics that thinks that while “The Inner Light” is well acted, it’s actually an incredibly dull episode of television.

As far as Im concerned, Farscape gets legendary status for the episode Revenging Angels all by itself.

Thank you so much for this. As mentioned above, I’m starting out in Season 2. Just started #24, which you marked as skip, but I had started it before I saw this guide. It’s not bad so I’ll probably finish it and jump to #26.

I’m going to say do not skip Crackers Don’t Matter, it’s one of my favorite one offs, it’s silly fun.

Yeah, I remember having a lot of fun with that one, too.

You guys are going to make me start another rewatch, if you keep this up. It would be my third (or fourth?), which I think is a personal rewatch record.

This episode became a meme in our household, striking that pose at random times

The whole series is worth it, just for this episode.

Every frelling time.

Funny thing is, as much as I adore this series, I don’t think we’ve ever finished the last season.

Farscape was such a change of pace from the typical TV sci-fi at the time, even in one offs the big reset button didn’t always get pressed at the end. Most TV was still episodic when it aired and serial shows really weren’t the norm and Farscape was trying to thread between the two formats.

Thing is, the original airing was a disaster here, with bizarre gaps in broadcast in the middle of seasons, changing broadcast days, no promotion, etc. Did you guys get the show there before it was on Sci-Fi (since it was made there)?

We have the whole series and have gone back to watch it multiple times, but always seem to lose steam at some point for various reasons. Heck, we have the Peacekeeper Wars, but I’ve never watched it, hoping to finish the damned series.

But did Crichton ever get his damn ice cream?

If I’d had a table to flip when I read that, I’d have done it.

cough Babylon 5 cough

Oh, looks like this is on Prime, now. It just popped up on my front page (all four seasons). How did I miss that?

Edit: Aaaand, the order doesn’t match @krayzkrok’s list or Wikipedia. It’s been a long time since I last watched, and I don’t recall if it matches the order I watched them in before.

Yeah, Amazon’s is complete but first season is out of order - just follow the Wikipedia/krok order and you’ll be fine.