Fear the Walking Dead (AMC)

Season 6 confirmed!

Also I finally got around to watching episodes 2 and 3 of the current season, and its damn good. I just love June and John’s time on screen together. I am only 5 episodes behind now!

I’ve been enjoying FtWD a lot so far this season. Some interesting subplots with the helicopter people, the camp kids and the nuclear plant. I like that the show has finally moved away from the family drama (since Alicia is the only family member left) being it’s central plot to the idea of a group of survivors motivated to help locate and assist other survivors. That’s a plot vehicle that could generate several seasons of interesting content without having to rely on a specific lead character or characters, though I do like the mix of Alicia, Strand, June & John, Al and of course Morgan. It’s a good core character group with some talented actors to bring them to life.

Not sure I’m keen on the new WD show description. It sounds like a CW version of TWD.

Catching up, all that work to get a plane and they waste it like that. Sure it was cool to see, but come on…

About half way through the episodes on my DVR. Hope to catch up during this holiday weekend.

Omg the episode with the minefield, lol. You can’t believe this shit is happening. I have 8 episodes to go. At least you can’t say this season has been dull.

As goofy as FtWD can get at times, it’s still a far better show than the original. I really like Lenny James as Morgan, since bringing him onboard and retooling the show away from the family dynamic and into a group dynamic with more interesting characters I think it has really hit it’s stride. It’s never going to be Emmy Award winning television, but it is solid post-apocalyptic story-telling and entertaining to watch.

Oh indeed the cast is far better here than on TWD ,along with the faster moving story overall.

I came across this picture while looking for a wallpaper for halloweenween.

Yeah its silly and whatever, but what bothers me is Garret Dillahunt’s character John uses revolvers , which do not eject bullet casings.

Still have 7 episodes of Season 5 on the DVR to go!

3 episodes to go, slow watching… laid back, with my mind on zombies and zombies on my mind.

Found a Rabbi! and Oil Fields! oh hey Cowboys and Cowgirls!

Anyone stick with it this season?

And done, what a weird ass ending, and then the shit that happens to Morgan.

Well it sure was a cliffhanger.

October 11th!

This is the one I am still watching. :)

Returns tonight!

Without having read the leaked article, I would love a good zombie anthology series ala WWZ. Particularly stories set in other parts of the world.

How would the Chinese government or Muslim fundamentalists in Iraq or Afghanistan react to a ZA? These could make for interesting stories outside of the usual fare.

Juan of the Dead was a fun look at the walking dead in Castro’s Cuba, but that was a comedy

I kinda like the idea of making this season a series of hyper-focused episodes rather than trying to bounce between multiple locations with multiple characters every week. This first episode with it’s Morgan focus was pretty good.

I thought for sure they’d have the bounty hunter stick around for a bit, but in the end he served his purpose. I’m not sure Issac’s place is as safe as he seemed to think it is. Sure, Virginia’s crew won’t bother because of how it appears on the maps, but zombies don’t read maps, and that valley seemed awfully exposed on the three sides that were not protected by the dam wall. Regardless, it’s not like Morgan is going to start rebuilding with one other adult, a baby and a dog, so I’m assuming he’ll set out to rescue the gang first before anyone thinks about building anything as per Issac’s vision.

Plus we now have two puzzles that could see pieces drop each episode. Who is the mysterious stranger that saved Morgan the first time (and left the note) and what’s the deal with the key? This is why I like Fear better than TWD, Fear is more of a survival adventure at it’s core, and less of a family/social drama. Looking forward to more.

My friend who watches tv as it airs, said the season has been really good. For myself, they are piling up on the DVR in hopes of me having free time to watch.

Your friend: Get off my lawn!

I enjoyed the first half of this new season. It has been better than it was previously and is still the superior show to TWD.

The new show though, Walking Dead World Beyond…total stinker. It’s like they decided to do a CW version of the Walking Dead, but left out all of the clever dialog and interesting characters that make most CW shows watchable. What you’re left with is a bunch of people you don’t care about wandering around in a world where it feels like they’re never really in danger, doing pretty much nothing of consequence. The only redeeming factor of the show is the music selection, and that’s not enough to make it watchable.

Back half of season 6 premiere date!

Also this got renewed for Season 7.

I watched the first season of this and it was too stupid to continue to watch, though I am told it got better.

But my question is: I look at that picture and were any of those characters actually in the first season? I don’t recognize any of them.