Feedback on new categories page layout

I continue to be in awe of how you answer people and defend changes—whether good or bad.

It feels like every time someone mentions that something has changed and they like the way it was before, your first response is to recontextualize it as if they’re crazy for liking it the way it was, or even noticing it. All the conversations look like this:

Member: This thing has changed and I don’t like it, is there a way to revert it/fix it/was it intentional/did Tom sign off on this/etc.?

Wumpus: Oh nothing really changed, I was just making an improvement so that [subjective improvement stated as objective], and yeah I guess technically [literally the thing the member asked about] changed, but nothing changed!

Member: What the actual fuck.

A little empathy would go a long way man, but I’m just not seeing it.