Ferguson St Louis - Michael Brown shot by police

I would be wary of putting too much faith into that guy’s movie. Presumably, the DOJ saw all that evidence, and still came to the conclusion that Wilson didn’t do anything wrong.

Wilson keeps a low profile now, but still ventures out occasionally to places “with like-minded individuals,” he told The New Yorker. He continued: “You know. Where it’s not a mixing pot.”[/quote]

This doesn’t mean what I think it means, or does it?

How could it not?

To be clear, the defense you’re talking about is the “court of public opinion,” which tends to focus on the irrelevant things people were doing minutes or hours before the actual shooting, which is what the justice system prefers to focus on.

Not to say you can’t lambast the court of public opinion. Have at it!

If people believed the system was fair, we wouldn’t have protests. DOJ is part of that system, and someone has been protecting these cops for a long time now.

“You see, we all decided to put on hoods just to protect our privacy …”

Well, the same DOJ report highlighted how unfair the overall Ferguson system was.

Which led to what? And to clarify, it’s easy to pay lip service to something, but if you don’t actually do anything, it means nothing. Just look at Trump. He loves women and minorities right, according to what he says.

A bunch of police were forced to resign, a ton of tickets were overturned, city officials resigned, the police department got taken over by the state police, and I seem to recall something took over the courts there?

We know that this isn’t always the case.

That was one city. Ferguson is just one piece of a big ugly pie.

That doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Haha, I can’t help but laugh at the thought of a police shooting because a cop was “literally shaking” after hearing some taboo beliefs. I don’t think society would ever go that crazy though.