Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age (HD Remaster Take All My Money)

Well, it’s that time again to talk about Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age!

(I literally decided to post my thoughts I’d emailed to another buddy of mine to this thread when I found that cool watch on my bookshelf - I forgot I even had it - and thought it would be fun to set the time at the Day/Month that FFXII drops in North America.)

So I hadn’t looked too much into FFXII since the release date was revealed, but I was digging around and saw some new footage via a Pax East Panel that aired recently. I had it on in the background while I was working and I heard some neat little tidbits of info, like how there are unique Gambits now for the various Jobs (classes) so when you have a White Mage for example, it sounds like you can really make them into a dedicated healer, more so than other classes. I like this further delineation between the jobs. They talked about other topics of interest and showed off some footage as well, so it may be worth a listen/watch. At the half hour mark they talk about and show off the Trial mode, which is all new.

In the meanwhile, I’m a visual guy so I took some comparison shots between the original version and the new version, as they showed off some screens I hadn’t seen (or remembered seeing) such as the HD version of the job select, or the widescreen look to the equipment menu, stuff like that. I’m particularly pleased with the artwork on the License Board, it is very snappy and great looking. The entire game every time they show it off just looks like the best possible version of itself, I just can’t wait to get my hands on this.
