Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age (HD Remaster Take All My Money)

Sorry, replace “refined” with “good” or “entertaining” or whatever you like along those lines.

I took a tiny slice of footage from my 3DS XL to show off how great this looks, given it’s an 8 year old DS game. I’m incredibly impressed with the visuals/animations, and can’t wait to dig in a bit more.

Also, man, talk about a shot of nostalgia. An actual, thick as hell, color manual came with it!

I wonder if I shouldn’t start an A2 thread, I didn’t see one, and it seems worth revisiting. Lots of folks have 3DS system around here, seems like.

I thought the 2nd portable FFT was more of the same so never bothered with it, maybe I will get it and check it out. Currently playing the War Of The Lions port; aside from the spell effect slowdown, it’s still a fantastic game especially with the improved script.

For a very, very long time FFT was my favorite game, and then they made it even better with the improved script and putting it on the PSP. Man, I freaking love that game. However, I will say Tactics Ogre finally nudged it into my number two slot, so if you haven’t played that (Let Us Cling Together) I highly recommend it.

Picked up Tactics Ogre a few years ago and only put about an hour into it, but I am hoping to get to it this year…I hope.

It sounds like you are going in the correct order to maximize your enjoyment, I’m a little envious you have TO to look forward to fresh! :)

Just a note for those following along at home that the mobile FFT port is the excellent PSP ‘War of the Lions’ version with a serviceable-if-not-great UI that is totally worth the $9 or whatever you can get it for.

Unless they don’t update it to 64 bit, in which case it will break shortly when Apple releases iOS 11.

They did just put it on sale, which you could either take to mean they are of course going to update it to 64bit, or they are trying to squeeze as much cash as possible out of it before it dies.

It should be 64-bit because it’s showing up when I search for it on the iOS store. I had previously read that they hide 32-bit apps from search results now.

It’s not, no update since 2013 and if you check the system->general->apps it’s still shown as 32 bit.

Good to know! I don’t own it so I couldn’t check it too much, and it doesn’t seem to list 32 vs 64 anywhere in the app store. Given they are shutting down 32 bit apps, you’d think that would be easier to find.

FFT is possibly my favorite FF game…though that changes for me at times so let’s just call it a 3-way tie between Tactics, 9 and 12 (though the DS version of FF4 is VERY close behind). :)

Will break down soon and get a PS4 to play this remaster. So glad all the FF games are so accessible now with I think all games up to FF10 being available on the Vita, all up to FF6 on the 3DS and now 12 on PS4.

You’re my FF twin, I think ;)

The FF10 remaster on PS4 is also excellent, if that’s interesting to you.

Got that for the Vita (never did finish it on PS2…think i made it to the last boss and couldn’t beat it).

It hasn’t been updated yet, but they claim they are going to:

Moving the discussion back to FFXII: The Zodiac Age for a minute: I’ve been using most of my limited gaming time to play through this, and enjoying it immensely. I haven’t finished yet, but I’m about two-thirds of the way through the Pharos, so I’m getting there. I’ve also been picking up some optional content that I either skipped or just overlooked on my original playthrough. Some random thoughts:

  • The 2x/4x movement speedup option really makes this edition feel a lot less grindy.
  • Having to quest and explore to pick up some of the more interesting magick spells, instead of just buying them, makes the game more interesting. It gives you reasons to spend time in places that you might have been tempted to blow off before.
  • The job system cements the roles of your characters in a way that didn’t happen before. I’m doing well on this playthrough, but I wish I’d made a couple of choices differently. I can see myself playing the game through again, with some job changes.
  • Holy crap, Penelo with maxed magick damage licenses and Scathe is an unbelievable killing machine. BZZOWWWNNT! and enemies disappear in a 20,000 point laser beam (at level 62). Even better, with all of the MP cost reduction/MP regeneration licenses and a Sage’s Ring, she inflicts so much damage that she generates dozens of MP every time she casts it. I’ll have Ashe cast Syphon on Penelo any time she needs MP, knowing that Penelo will burn it back in no time.
  • Trial mode is a great way to stock up on items, LP, and gives you chances to steal, steal, steal useful stuff that you might miss in the main game.

I liked FFXII when it rolled around the first time; The Zodiac Age improves on it in almost every way.

YES. February 1st.

Glad I held out. The $20 holiday sales were really tempting.

Ffffffff. I should have held out. I made it 2/3rd through my PS4 playthrough and loved it but dropped it when it intersected with a vacation and never picked it back up. I keep planning on going back soon, but now I will probably wait for the PC version to release. Or not. Will have to see some comparisons. I don’t think I want to replay it yet again all the way through.

$50 with a 20% launch discount. Denuvo included. Ehhhhhh. I can wait for a sale if I’ve waited this long.