Firaxis decision to leave "large games" broken for a full month

One of the PR selling points of Civ V being all Steamified, was that it would be easier for the developers to patch more frequently. This has proven true, given the fast hotfixes that came out quickly after the game was released, compared to the non-Steam patch cycle of Civ IV. It is a bit puzzling that the couple major bugs left, like this one, haven’t been handled the same way, instead of waiting until the next major patch to include the fixes.

More broadly, it will be nice if/when developers are able to run some sort of public betas of all their patches, both to get them out faster and to avoid silly regressions. Doing so would help cut down on needing to release a hotfix 4 days after a major patch, to fix a bunch of things that the major patch broke. The power of the interwebs is useful for more than just pushing patches and selling DLC.

Didn’t Civ IV BTS have a couple of hotfixes also? That argument for Steam always seemed a bit silly to me.

It’s not easy to patch more frequently when you’re not given the resources to patch.

For what it’s worth, the ongoing list of expected changes with the next patch was updated yesterday, and it sounds like the patch is going to address quite a few issues, including things I wasn’t aware of myself as being a problem (mounted units are being nerfed vs cities, for example). Interesting that you will have to chose a policy the turn it comes up, rather than “saving” them like I tend to do. :)

That is an odd choice, them forcing immediate use. And the same for unit promotions. Anyone with any insight. Seems to me like it’s a “fix” in search of a problem. Why less player choice? Why force promotions?

Because of being able to save them for multiple instant heals. I don’t think it’s an ideal solution, especially when units sometimes promote right after combat and other times at the next turn for no discernible reason, but something’s probably needed.

As for the thread, been playing several hours with friends almost every night so I don’t know what this broken game complaint is about. We’ve even got a Mac user running it through WINE and the worst we’ve suffered there are very rare crashes, somewhat rare desyncs that resolve themselves unlike in Civ IV, and the inability to launch the game successfully on the Mac without trying a bunch of times. We’ve seen some MP issues too where I’ll join and see the wrong map type, etc. but usually it’s easily resolved. We’re hopeful Aspyr’s port is going to be SteamPlay, but not sure what they’re doing with that on their end.

The patch notes look like a big step in the right direction. I’m not sure defensive buildings needed all maintenance removed, but I’ll certainly build them more than I already did. Open terrain penalty being reduced is certainly a good thing. Horse units not being able to hit and run as hard as they do currently seems especially wise. I’m certainly looking forward to cities healing faster, but I’m hoping they’ve made the increased healing wait a turn or more since last being damaged.

Because the instant heal is fairly overpowered. Being able to use it at will (and save up multiple heals) becomes grossly overpowered. A lot of players really despised that capability, especially in multi-player.

Hmm. I never used 'em that way. I saved em simply because in the beginning of the game the promotions available are plain old boring. But then, I haven’t played a single MP game of Civ V either, so I had no idea they were somehow overpowering in MP.

Large/Huge map, 12+ Civs if you start a normal game in 4000 BC. Once you hit the late Industrial or Modern era the game will crash so much you can’t finish your game. It’s not related to City-States, but the overall # of units/cities on the board. So you can encounter the problem with more/less Civs depending no how expansion worked out. It doesn’t matter how much RAM or processing power you have. Since many people refuse to play large games because they don’t have the patience with the long turn times, they don’t realize this problem exists.

We’ve played with the three of us versus nine other civs in teams of three. Large maps, too. There have been a small number of games where turn times became so long that we abandoned them, but none have repeatedly crashed.

Not denying the problem may exist, but it’s still pretty odd to rant about how the game’s been purposefully left in a broken state because of it.

Actually, as far as i am concerned, the instant heal could just be removed, i won’t be the one complaining. Civ V as some goods ideas, some really bad ones. And this instant heal is one of them, especially with the “no-stack” feature : it has never so easy to hold a line, i i do think that it’s probably too easy… I really prefered the very-lgith heal from Civ IV XP upgrades since it was more balanced.

Enforcing the use of XPs is a kind of answer but it’s killing the versatility of upgrades (getting the usefull one when you need it…).

It has. I sent the results to them, they confirmed it, they decided to leave it this way til the big patch. Mazuo, put 40 hours into a huge map with 15+ civs (no city-states even) and come back with your results. They will be the same as what I’m reporting if you try to actually manage your empire. I’m not complaining, just letting you know it is there.