Fly the not-so-friendly skies

A thread of clusterfuckage:

Honestly, a 2/3’s full plane isn’t really much safer than a full plane. Social distancing is a bit of a joke in a tin can with everyone breathing the same air. One infectious person is going to get a bunch of other people regardless of whether the middle seat is open. I think the only improvement from a partially full flight is just lower chances of getting an asymptomatic infected person on the flight. But that’s still not a lottery I want to play.

That looks like a miserable scary experience, count me out. If I need or want a vacation this year, it’s by car, and it will be seeing friends in rural areas.

I see former colleagues on LinkedIn bragging about the flights they just took, and pointing out to others that there has never been a confirmed case of Covid-19 transmission on a plane.

They don’t get it that they are rolling the dice? Do they understand that some people can have it and not show any symptoms and transmit the disease?

I mean, I get it that some people are selfishly willing to risk it and some people, for job-related reasons, need to travel. Don’t try to pretend that it doesn’t include increased risk.

I don’t know what they think, but what they say is that we’re all suffering from unreasoning fear and panic and that flying is perfectly safe, and that we should all start flying again right now.

Sounds like they are invested in an ideological position over the virus. People believe the earth is flat too.

This article explains the risks of close proximity.

Going to be interesting to watch the travel industry.

Ccol article, thanks for sharing!

Great article. Thanks for sharing!

Here’s why I won’t be traveling on airplanes any time soon.

This talk of mandatory face masks is just theater. All people have to do is put one on as they board the plane, then there’s zero enforcement once on board.

Contrast that with their policy of not using electronic devices before takeoff back in the day. No problems enforcing that one.

I don’t see myself flying on a plane in the next few months. If we do vacation – unlikely – we will just drive somewhere.

We rescheduled our Hawaii trip to December and I’m already pretty nervous about that, 7 months away.

I almost got kicked off a plane once back in the day for not “turning off” an amazon kindle… which is essentially always off, since it’s not using measurable power except when changing pages.

At one point I was like, “You aren’t turning off your wrist watch. It’s like that. It’s not going to screw with the plane.” But she made a face and I was like,“Ah, sorry. Yeah, I’ll turn it off.”

“Do you want me to summon the air marshal? Because that’s how I summon the air marshal.”

It always made me so mad when they’d make me take off my headphones for take off. I thought that if my MP3 player had the potential of taking down a 737 then what else don’t we know?

But of course it was all just bullshit rule theater.

Flying sucks.

Even in air travel in the 70s they made you take off earphones. It’s so you can hear flight crew instructions should that be necessary.