For All Mankind tv show - guy who wrote new BSG/Caprica

I’m waiting for the Aliens to arrive… so then we can finally become friends with the Soviets… cmon, would be cool!

So I have no idea how this nuclear-powered shuttle is supposed to work. Nuclear power doesn’t work that way. A nuclear aircraft carrier uses the reactor to turn water into steam which drives turbines which drives the shaft, which spins and drives the ship through the water.

That obviously doesn’t work in space.

The only nuclear space propulsion that I’m aware of is building a big backplate on the rear of your spacecraft, dropping a nuclear bomb behind you, and detonating it.

Rockets exploding after launch would be problematic, I would think.

Maybe it’s an ion drive?

You could also make a hybrid:

How was Orion not the first response? Y’all are slipping! Never miss a chance to reference Orion. :)

Already covered, but maybe not in sufficient glory!

Fair! But <torgue voice>EXPLOSIONS!!!</torgue voice> requires much glory!

There was actually a FOX pilot (starring the Kingslayer) that had a Project Orion ship

Funny enough, that one also had Ronald D. Moore’s fingerprints on it. Directed by The Berg, too!

I would agree with this and add the ratio has flipped in season 2 for me. I am not sure if it’s just because I am more familiar with the characters but I have been enjoying it much more. Even kind of looking forward to new episodes. Last season I think I was just watching because SPACE.

Counterpoint. I’m basically only watching this because SPACE, and there’s been fuck all SPACE this season.

So is the dude who married Gordon’s ex-wife (Tracy Stevens ) someone who we met in S1 or is he just some rando they made up for S2? And is he also an astronaut or just some rich dude? I sure have no memory of him from S1.

He was introduced in the time-jump between seasons. Just some rich dude.

Thanks. Speaking of time-jumps, in this show’s reality apparently only the men age/get schlubby, and the women look just as young ten years (minimum) later.

Anyone watch this most recent episode? Quite the intense ending.

Spoiler y question and comment:

Question: Why did that cosmonaut catch fire after being shot? How horrific.
Comment: I wish they hadn’t Mrs. Robinsoned Karen. I really enjoyed her character for the most part, but I’m hating this. She probably changed his diaper! It’s just creepy.

For your question:

I assume the bullet caused a spark on impact that ignited the oxygen rich air inside the suit.

Geez was that a hell of an ending last week. Who was the dude who bought it by being spaced? Was it the earnest young dark haired guy? I guess delayed-by-seven-years Apollo-Soyuz is going to be awkward.

Just a redshirt, I believe. It wasn’t the super awkward geeky guy, as far as I could tell.

Well, that ending didn’t seem plausible (Reagan was too big an asshole IRL to make that decision), but as fiction it was damn tense and enjoyable.

Really looking forward to S3.

Amazing season overall.