Fortnite - A New Game by Epic

Yeah, you know those lawyers are getting 500,000 vbucks themselves!

Oh look. Werewolf/Among Us in Fortnite.

it is the ubergame, it is all games at once.

I was going to say it’s the “Hello fellow kids” business model.

in the future, all games are fortnite

enjoy your taco bell

I thought season 7 was excellent. Best one for a year I think.


That seems eminently reasonable. I also wouldn’t do business with someone repeatedly kicking me in the dick. At least until they stop.

Seriously what did they expect?

Sweeney expected this to happen, he’s just using it to increase pressure on Apple from Fortnite kiddies.

The sparkle pony is best new character that they’ve introduced in some time. His theme song is fabulous.

New island seems waay bigger. Sliding around seems fun. I’m not entirely sure that tents are all good but I guess it means you can have four weapons and store your health items in the tent.

If you find a couple of extra weapons that are decent, throw them in there along with any extra shield potions you find. If you find and deploy a tent in the next game, they’ll still be in there!

Fortnite at least brought me this.

That’s actually a hefty fine.

Yeah, it’s not going to kill Epic (I wouldn’t think), but it’s definitely going to leave a mark.