FORWARD! aka Yang Gang Alliance

Except that if your coalition controls parliament, you get to pick the executive and run the government and implement your agenda. Not so in our system. With three different veto points, each of which has to be independently contested and won, unified government is pretty rare.

How does the judiciary get determined in a Parliamentary system?

Not quite. The party that can get the government approved gets to rule; it can be a minority government, or it can be a post-election (or pre-election, of course) agreement (usually a coalition). The winner can be the first of the losers, even if infrequent.
It helps if there’s a somewhat independent president who understands the importance of keeping a fine balance when it’s needed. And it would probably have scary issues with who controls the military in certain nations (cough)…

I understand. But it also ebbs and flows, coalitions change, with the power disputes being solved in the open with normal elections. Several european parties have been punished for losing the faith of the electors (corruption, mostly); how would one punish one specific segment of an american party?

Great question. Without a simple answer, apparently. Good luck working it out.

In Canada, it is the government, federal or provincial depending on the court.

I think you are describing a parliamentary democracy with proportional representation. In a parliament elected with FPTP, its not exactly EZ mode for voters.

Though if one party does get a majority, they can at least govern. That part at least makes it easy for voters to assign blame (or more rarely, credit).

2010 Midterm senate elections.

Without switching from left to right (or vice-versa), that’s easy mode.

* left-ish :P

Sure. Not my point at all, though. But absolutely.



Look, their beliefs are something I disagree with.

But if they are going to vote for me, I wouldn’t dislike that.

This is killing me.

That Aaron guy had me going for a minute.

He had a lot of people going for a minute!

Alexandra Petri’s latest. Gifted article so should be able to access without paywall.

That is spectacular. Thanks for sharing!

I’m glad she’s back from maternity leave. The time she took to raise her infant was a rough sacrifice that the rest of us WaPo subscribers had to make.

Forward Party coming out early with their “be a spoiler for the Republicans by shitting on Democrats” strategy.

Can’t wait for the “it’s all the Democrats fault that the Republicans are so terrible” takes after the midterms.

Did the Dems actually boost the bad candidates in Arizona?

Didn’t dig too far, but this was one of the first results based on some preliminary Googling: