Founding Fathers Forum Game: A republic, if you can keep it.

I knew that… LOL. On to the next issue then I guess. :) Maybe I should actually read the card next time.

@CF_Kane after you update the tracker.

The good people of Indiana Territory have petitioned for admission to the union. Admission of Indiana is a difficulty 2 issue for Secretary of State and Congress. If passed, it admits Indiana and provides one popularity. If failed or ignored, no effect, and it moves to the next deck. Indiana has 6 electoral votes in Era B and 11 in Era C.

Indiana borders Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, and Michigan.

Over to @Cuthbert to name a Secretary of State.

(Tracker updated)

No need for such extreme measures

Offer Rufus King as SOS


Rufus King Accepts. Mr. President (@Cuthbert), may I rely upon your Influence to help get this before Congress?

Hamilton gives King one Influence

Voting starts with @Panzeh?

Vote yes with 8 votes @Ironsight

In spite of having no idea what a Hoosier is we’ll vote Yes @Navaronegun

Vote yes with 5 votes, @Brooski

YEA wythe 10 voughts

I think Bruce’s accent is gradually getting further and further into the past…Yes with 18 votes

Indiana is admitted with unanimous support in Congress.

The next issue on the table concerns the native inhabitants of the lands purchased from the French and conquered by the United States. Should they be removed from their land, to clear the way for westward expansion, or can some accomodation be found?

The Indian Removal Act is a difficulty 4 issue for the Secretary of War and Congress. If resolved: Public Support 2 to Conservative. 3IP to Conservative Leader. CJ may cancel and place in next deck. President may override cancellation at cost of 2 popularity. +1 popularity.

If failed or ignored, place in next deck. No change in popularity.

@Cuthbert, to you to appoint a Secretary of War or ignore.

Appoint James K Polk Secretary of War and turn the issue over to the Vice President

@Panzeh @Ironsight

Polk will resolve the Indian Removal Act

Pinckney accepts the delegation. @Panzeh for voting.

8 Votes yes @Ironsight

17 votes Yes @Navaronegun

Vote Nay with 5 votes

On General Principles.

“Though I wear a shirt and tie
I’m still part redman deep inside”
