Founding Fathers Forum Game: A republic, if you can keep it.

For those without the expansion, Andrew Johnson is as follows:

Andrew Johnson: (Expansion) Conservative Statesman from TN. 1/1 with 1 vote.

A Contender for best General is played…who hasn’t been born yet.

This game is getting weird.

William T. Sherman: (Expansion) Liberal Statesman from OH. 4/0 with 0 votes, may only act as Secretary of War or General. May never be Party Leader or Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidate.

We are in Era III for action cards. I think if we used the expansion statesmen we’d have a more historically consistent set.

The move from the Northeastern leadership of Hamilton and Adams to the Southern leadership of Marshall created quite a stir in New York’s financial markets. Fear that the center of economic gravity would shift from northern industry to the southern plantation economy resulted in a panic in debt and equity markets. This riled the public against both Marshall sand the Whig-National party more generally.

@Brooski plays Panic of 1847. Public support shifts 2 towards Neutral. -1 Popularity for Marshall. Reserves -5.

@CF_Kane Are we up to @Panzeh to start The Round?

@Panzeh plays tardy George McClellan.

We now move to the publish Newspapers phase. There is a level 1 Conservative Paper and a Level 2 Liberal paper. @Panzeh acts first here: Do you want to publish the Conservative paper? @Brooski is next to decide on the liberal paper.

After that is the round. @Panzeh is up first to make a speech, whip up support, or fund a newspaper.

Pay 2IP to push the Lib paper one more to the right.

@Brooski, not that phase. This is a choice to publish or not. We get to IP spends next. I am assuming you are not publishing now, if you intend to advance the paper later.

No publishing.

Publish the level 1 paper

Thaddeus Stevens makes a speech for free

Marshall will fund a newspaper.


Stevens rolls a 3, modified to a 4. Want to spend the 2 influence?


@Ironsight, over to you.

DeWitt Clinton makes a whistle stop tour of the country to whip up Federalist support. Spend one faction IP to whip up support.


If that gives the Whig-National’s one or two public support then I’m done. If it fails then spend one faction IP to fund a newspaper.

Seems time-period appropriate. Sherman is trying to advocate with the War Department to buy Gatling guns.

Here this is better:


Clinton convinces some of his Northern colleagues that he will have a strong voice in the Marshall administration. +1 Support to Conservative Party.

Over to @Navaronegun

W.R. King makes a speech…and his eye catches a fetchingly handsome James Buchanan near the rostrum.