Fractured Space - MOBA to the Stars

Is there is good wiki page yet?

I don’t think so, but there are some nice community guides at this point that are worth taking a look at. Crew skills, damage mechanics (a bit out of date but mostly still applies) and a whole set of guides for individual ship classes.

As a fun side note, the devs posted the MMR bands for the community after the weekend. I’m a bit over 13,000 after the game I played earlier today, which puts me in the top 20 (out of over 50,000) and explains why I’m in MMR hell every time I play now.

Thanks for all the insights. Had a good game, with us barely winning despite being 4 on 5. We grab gamma every time, and held most of the mines, but than our second colossus dropped out and we got steam rolled.

Still, 4 on 5 can still be a good game, which is a nice surprise.

I think I will make a run of the Gladiator next, and than try for the leviathon. The gladiators mines and bombers look fun, and it means plan a bit more of the venturer, which is a pretty fun ship.

I am hoping that they get a heavy support ship or a medium carrier next.

I have the colossus and the Gladiator, and the game has gotten so much more fun. Sure, I can’t capture anything, and am slow, but I love the fire lower. A good opponent can still beat me, circleling and strafing, but my roll is tanking and holding the line.

I think my next ship will be the destroyer.

I’m a couple of games away from it. Make sure to get the light cannons since their projectiles travel faster (and it does the same DPS anyway since the devs kinda slapped together the alternate loadouts and accidentally made a few of them outright improvements).

Having my MMR unlocked caused it to drop from 13,994 to 5,880 (thanks to all the games I lost after it was locked courtesy of being on teams stacked with lovably clueless newbies), so now I can get decent games again as long as it doesn’t climb back up too fast.

I plan on playing some tonight, I think. Looking forward to diving back in.

I seem to be with a good group. What’s weird is sometimes you seem to be ahead in kills and Gamma, but the other team happens to rally last minute to steal the base. I have been on both ends of that, and it really makes the game a lot more exciting. Timing is everything in this game it seems.

Timing, concentration of forces and picking the right battles will win the vast majority of games. You lose when your team feeds one or two ships at a time into superior concentrations of enemy ships, and thus you get stuck fielding 3-4 ships on average while they have 5 out at a time (thanks to respawn timers). Having a good healer is also super important, and I find I get stuck doing that more often than not.

The recent buff to support points (putting them on par with takedowns when it comes to XP/credit calculations) helps soften the blow of playing healer to a huge degree, though.

So, this is out…is it any good?

I haven’t played in a while, but I enjoyed it at the time. It’s not a fast paced game, which I appreciate.

It’s… interesting. I played it for a while in early beta. Wasn’t too impressed. Shelved it. Today I tried again because of the hype about it going gold, so to speak. There is a pretty polished tutorial now. The graphics are damn good. They fixed a few issues I had with the controls. I think it’s good enough to get into my regular rotation. Free to play. Why not decide for yourself?

@BrianRubin Care to chime in?

I hate mobas. This game didn’t change my mind.

Ouch. But understood. Haven’t gotten far enough to get annoyed yet. Time will tell.

I got pissed off and quit in the beta when they let the F2P monetization get to their heads for a while. Gating crew members of varying quality behind paywalls was horrendous and highlighted for me that they were reasonably likely to do something similarly scummy in the future. Dropped the game on that very day after 200 hours and haven’t played it again since.

Which is a shame, since I was entertained enough by the core gameplay (and pretty good at it, too, after 200 hours). I don’t have enough faith in the devs to ever bother playing it again, though.

Lol. I actually like mobas but…played this for about 5 minutes and /meh, uninstall. I know I know…I didn’t even get to actual multiplayer but…just the mechanics of it, and tooling around like a turtle in 3rd person…/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Maybe I should give it another go, and spend some time in the actual multiplayer. Although, if giant space ships didn’t change Brian Rubins mind…what chance do I have?

I actually like the idea of a slower-paced moba, but watched some videos of this last night and wasn’t really seeing the fun factor.

One does not simple watch Fractured Space.

Yes, yes one does.

Anyone still playing this? I see its 70% off during the summer sale and they have some solo play and pve stuff now added.

Apparently the playerbase is very low for PvP and they implemented a credit earning system while waiting in queue.

Also there are apparently episodes being added?

I might hoop on board again. I love the concept, but I think the Free I’m model sunk it. Especially since I was several key perks that can only be purchased.