Freakonomics Podcast: Wardell on Steve Jobs

So the most recent Freakonomics podcast (“Legacy of a Jerk”) has about 4 minutes with Brad Wardell talking about Steve Jobs’ death making him less of an asshole. Definitely a surprise that he popped up after 15 minutes of Ty Cobb and 20 minutes of Steve Jobs.

I was all “how in the hell did they pick Brad at seemingly random? They have like zero social or business circle overlap” and oh, it’s a comment following chain sourced at Atwood. Interesting.

At the end of the day few regret not working not hard enough. More regret not having spent enough time with their loved ones.

True. I doubt many people, on their deathbeds, say “I just wish I’d spent more time at the office!”

At the end of the day, it’s night. And I’m sure there are plenty of lazy bastards who feel like maybe they could have done something with their lives if they’d had a little more drive and ambition. Not so much “I wish I’d spent more time at the office”, but only because the average office worker never found their job particularly meaningful to begin with.

Perhaps not. Lots say, “I wish I’d accomplished more,” though.

Pretty much what SA is getting at, I think.

I suppose it depends on who you are, etc.

For me, I suspect I will only be thinking of the people in my life, the loved ones, and not work related stuff. Just saying, for me.


Steve Jobs died of stubble

And here I thought he died of not taking cancer seriously.

I thought he died of alternative medicine.

When Steve Jobs came back, he took Apple from nearly nothing to eating the computer industry for lunch. From a business perspective, it was extremely impressive. He, as Alan Kay said, understood desire. He knew how to make things that people wanted, and that gets you a lot in this world. Now he’s dead. Maybe Bill Gates has occult connections, or maybe being that driven to own the desires of millions is deadly in itself. But death was going to happen sooner or later, as it does for everyone, and then what? Would he really have been so much better off if he had been nicer to people, spent more time on personal relationships? What does that get you when you’re dead? Happier thoughts in your last years? A cleaner conscience? How clean does your conscience need to be?

Steve Jobs wasn’t living for a clean conscience. He was living for world domination. Now he’s dead. After you’re dead is a bad time to find out that the world doesn’t work the way you thought it did, and that you lost your soul and didn’t even manage to gain the world first. But there is something to be admired in someone who at least makes a stab at world domination. Most people lose their souls for much less.

I fail to see what’s to admire, but that’s just me.

Those people never met my family.

If folks want to worship Apple why not pick Wozniak? I know that statement reeks of back in the day. I just don’t get Jobs adulation in any sort of way other than Jim Jones techno-ubercapitalist-industrialism.

I did say ‘loved ones’, though.

Because Woz looks like he belongs in front of a computer, and Jobs looked like he belonged in a cafe wearing a beret and reading poetry.

It isn’t the Apple II or the Mac that made Jobs the icon he is. It is the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad. The rest is just noise.