Free Speech... or not thread

‘You’re sitting on a gold mine Trebek’

This is terrible. Shame on Britain for turning into the real 1984. Talk about thought crimes.

Anyone calling for jail for him needs to take a good long look at themselves, because now you can’t even make a joke in England without being arrested. Who will be next?

And here I thought Jewish people were supposed to be funny.

Jon Stewart made self depreciating Jewish jokes all the time. Will he be arrested if he sets foot in England? Will I for making that lame joke? What if a Jewish person did this as satire? Is this about free speech or cultural appropriation?

Just a terrible move, England.

On the other hand we did create Borat and Bruno…

I admire Will’s comic sense, but I think when he is cast against type are the best roles. He does great as the more serious roles, even in comedic movies.

Stranger then Fiction and Everything Must go come to mind.

Will Ferrel has done some funny stuff, but man he has done some horrific stuff as well. And as for Sandler, the world would be a better place if all his movies just disappeared one morning.

So the country that produced Monty Python has lost it’s sense of humor, too bad.


Also, it’s Scotland. Entirely separate legal system.

I love this part from the Sentencing Statement:

You intended the video to be as offensive as you could make it and you posted it on your own unrestricted publicly accessible video channel which on your own description: “provides offensive social comedy and skits that get people thrown in prison”.

Imho it’s censorship and unwelcome

That judge is a pompous asshole. Shame on him and the entire UK.

The big thing is the judge didn’t find it funny. The “reasonable standard” does not apply here because it’s satire. A dog was taught to do a trick. Why isn’t the dog in jail? The same idiot’s logic applies to the dog.

Should we put PewPewDie in prison? He’s made all kinds of Nazi jokes. The punishment for him is to be ostracized and lose viewers. To call him an asshole and a social reject and an immature loser that isn’t funny and is a waste of time. That’s the punishment, social ostracization. Not jail! Totally ridiculous.

Dankula is a far right icon and working closely with English ethno-nationalists/supremacists/Nazis, so fuck him, he can burn.

and its far more appropriate to transfer your rage to this case.

  • Girl posts lyric to a rap song in rembrance of dead friend, on a private page.
  • It contains the word nigga
  • girl arrested for racist offence
  • Unlike Dankula, where the police had to search for someone to be offended by his actions and found a Jewish couple, in this case the police couldn’t find any member of public who was offended.
  • So used a black policewoman

Same issue, but worse, and less Nazis to defend.

No, it isn’t. He explicitly states that isn’t the test, under the law.

I mean, technically, under the US Constitution, no…
But if I were king?

Would Blazing Saddles pass that test? It’s highly offensive. If it was remade today with the same dialog and themes, in the UK, would the director be arrested?

Poppycock on this “test”. It’s a ridiculous construct. It’s like saying “well, someone violated Sharia law in Saudi Arabia so they get what’s coming to them, a judge said so and he’s legally correct.”. It’s a terrible law written by terrible people enforced by a terrible system.

Also that judge is a complete idiot when it comes to the law. A complete idiot. Of course this sets precedent, you stupid judge. That’s what legal rulings do.

Imho most laws are. They’re there to allow authorities to clamp down when they see fit.


This isn’t to say the law is without issues. I would prefer it to have much narrower statutory language to be more clearly directed at threats, harrassment and overt hate speech. But a) the judge interpreted the statute that exists perfectly fairly in line with case law, b) both this ruling and the previous jurisprudence turn to a large degree on the “menacing” nature of the material, which could in no way be said to be true of Blazing Saddles, c) it’s far from clear that making a film would fall under the terms of the act at all, d) the guidelines of the Crown Prosecution Service (England & Wales only, admittedly) clearly state :

e) even if it nevertheless did, and the maker (as opposed to the distributor) was somehow subject to prosecution, it would be open to Mel Brooks Mk. 2 to claim a defence under the Human Rights Act entitlement to freedom of expression, which apparently Meechan did not, for reasons best asked of his counsel.

That is not a world view I ascribe to, but I can see why people might think that.

I’d just like to remark that the final sentence was an £800 fine (and a criminal record, and presumably court fees?).

I cannot help but feel that this was somewhat a waste of time.

(And the director’s of Blazing Saddles, unlikely as they would be to fall foul of this law, would be even less likely to be troubled by the law.)

Damn, I missed this story.