Freelancer - Some mods I've been playing

Recently re-installed to try out some relatively new mods that have come out for Freelancer.

Free Worlds and Privateer: The Reckoning.

Free Worlds is set in the Star Wars universe, many years after the fall of the Galactic Empire. SW canon and EU ships populate the far reaches of space.

When one first enters the game with a new character, they start at a bar with enough cash to bribe one of six factions (Civilians, Organized Crime, Imperial Navy, New Republic, Bounty Hunters & Smugglers), and the ability to buy one of three fighters (TIE Fighter, Pinook Light Fighter & Z-95 Headhunter).

Once the player has left the station there are 11 star systems to explore. The easiest way to find bases and planets not revealed on your map (there are no tradelanes) is to bring up the system map (F6 key) and click on patrols. There usually is a place to dock at the endpoints of the patrol lanes.

The starting sensors are very limited in range and don’t reveal docking beacons for planets not already visited unless the player is very close (2 km I think). Just because a planet on the map looks like it doesn’t have a docking beacon it may actually have one. It’s good practice to visit all the planets in a system for that reason alone.

Missions are typical Freelancer fare. Kill the pilots. Destroy the contraband. Arrest so and so. It’s also possible to mine asteroids, and do cargo runs to earn money. After killing all enemies in an area, it’s often wise to scan for loot that isn’t ammunition. Often, when tractoring indiscriminately, the cargo hold will fill rapidly with ammunition. Coruscant gems and other items are worth a fortune, and it’d be a shame to not have those in your cargo bay because you had concussion missiles instead.

Privateer: The Reckoning is another TC for Freelancer which uses the Wing Commander universe as its setting. I only started playing this mod this morning, but I like what I see so far.

Looks like most, if not all, of the ships available in the Wing Commander games (including Privateer) are included.

The most noticeable difference between this mod and many others is the rate of fire for most of its weapons. They seem very slow. Combine this with fast recharge rate (but low maximum) for NPC shields and you get really drawn out dogfights. Missiles seem to rule here, as a volley fired after you manage to get your enemy’s shields down, seems to do the trick.

The systems seem rather sparse at the moment, but the mod is still marked as a “beta” so they may be incomplete. Also, commodity prices don’t vary much from base to base, but that may be more from my lack of exploration of the systems.

In contrast to Free Worlds, which encourages PvP through the different factions, Privateer: The Reckoning encourages co-op mostly, since there are four “baddies” who are hostile to all players at the start. Two of those factions don’t even possess bases (yet, I’m guessing).

Right now I have a server up for Free Worlds with a server name of FreeWorlds-QT3 and password ********. That’s right. Eight asterisks. I’ll leave it up until 1am Pacific tonight for those that want to play. I figure the people who post here are more mature than the average CS player. I’ll have the Privateer-QT3 (same password) server up tomorrow and Thursday from 1pm to 1am Pacific for those that want to try that.

For those that wish to play these or other Freelancer mods and are having difficulties getting them to work, or have questions about gameplay, post here and I (and hopefully others) will do my best to help.

Dammit, you’ve almost got me wanting to buy this game.

Sounds cool but why oh why can’t someone who can make a mod come up with their own story.

I’ll give you one free, in a galaxy far away there is a human like race and a wolf people race. There is also an insect race and a pirate cat people race. They are at war over water since they have drained their home planets dry through overpopulation and pollution. They are all fighting over asteroid fields where they can mine water to take to their home planets.

There that took me 3 seconds and it’s not copyrighted so next time you’re making a space mod you don’t have to redo the tired universe that George Lucas came up with.

The problem with original material is there’s no emotional investment. I don’t give a damn about any of those races you just listed and have any particular reason to want to play in that universe. But becoming a Jedi and flying an X-wing … hell yes.

It’s easier to draw people in when you use a known IP. Which of course is at the root of a lot of IP law.

That reminds me: someone should stop making Star Wars mods and start making Ice Pirates mods.

Whoever developed the Free-Worlds thing should figure out that people are less likely to be interested if they can’t see screenshots.

And, you know, making someone register to see your screenshots is as un-kosher as it gets.

Took those screenshots a couple minutes ago.

w00t! Thanks! :)

Maybe that is what I have been pining for…I am a real fan of the game- and once I finshed, I did a short stint in the multiplayer-couple of friends played fairly regularly for about 2 weeks… but I did finally get to play some real high level ships…

Anyway, the game is quite a bit of fun–thx for the heads up on the mods - and the screenies look very cool indeed.

Are this single-player mods? I got Freelancer and I loved the game, however I never got into the Mutliplayer of it. If they’re single-player, I’m definately going to download these, as the simplicity of the gameplay had be hooked - and I’m no fan of space sims, or real-world sims for that matter.

Man! I’m definitely gonna need to get that up and running when I get a chance…

Sean, I might be able to give the server a home, too, if you need to take it up and down. Let me know…

yurislave: Frost-Works is working on a promising mod set in the Freelancer universe. They have a demo released, but it’s severely limited and feels cramped. 1 star system, 5 bases and 4 factions. I am looking forward to the mod once it offers more gameplay. Hopefully, it’ll be soon.

A caveat for those who download their demo to try it out: Don’t install to the default directory! It will overwrite the original Freelancer files. Instead, create a new subfolder under the mods folder for FMM and install to that location.

Mattc0m: The Privateer mod has Single Player support. Free Worlds, however, is currently MP only. I’ve looked at how some mods support SP for their TCs and I’m pretty confident I can whip something similar up for the FreeWorlds mod. Give me a week or so and I’ll tell you if it worked or not.

asjunk: That would be awesome if you could get a server going. If it’s possible to transfer server account files then the players wouldn’t have to start over when logging onto the different servers. Something to look into anyway.

Oh, and for those who haven’t used mods for Freelancer before, here’s a step by step “guide”:

  1. Install Freelancer as normal. DO NOT patch it. I think some mods work ok with the 1.1 patch, but most don’t.

  2. Download and install the Freelancer Mod Manager. Most mods are packaged in zip format, but with the additional extension of .flmod which FMM opens and extracts to its own folder.

  3. Download a mod. Lancer’s Reactor is a good place to start.

  4. Open the mod, either by double-clicking it, or right-clicking and selecting “Open” from the menu. FMM will automatically extract it and add it to the list of mods you have.

  5. Activate the mod or mods (some mods can be active at the same time as others), close FMM and play Freelancer. Deactivating mods is as simple as selecting the mod and choosing “Deactivate.”

Damn you, I gave up Freelancer long ago due to the lack of a dynamic economy or non-combat missions. Now I’ll have to buy this again to give these mods a whirl. Grrrrr…

Wow. Just went to Cloud City. They did it way better this time than any previous versions.

Screencap of Hyperspace:

I wish I had 3 million credits…

Man, this is almost enough for me to reinstall. Almost. I loved Freelancer, but the always target the player ship aspect of the AI burned me out on it.

It made a trading career a pain because you would become an instant target for all hostiles as soon as you got into range. No matter that they were busy fighting off a wing of fighters, a player ship trumps everything. It really broke the immersion for me.

If they managed to change that aspect of the AI, I’d be all over it .

Whatever happened to the mod that was going to make the economy more dynamic?

krazykrok: Nope. From what I understand the missions are hardcoded.

Raife: Well, you’ll be happy to know that the cruise speed in the Free Worlds mod is set at a brisk 750, there are no more trade lane disruptions, because, well, there aren’t any trade lanes, and I haven’t seen any weapons that disrupt cruise…yet. There is a stationary Interdictor cruiser in one of the systems, but I don’t know if it has any cruise disrupting weapons.

Case: I think that mod fell victim to feature creep. Or it was a hoax. Not sure which, but right now, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be a reality unfortunately. :(

I do have good news for those that want to play the FreeWorlds mod in Open SP mode. I worked on it all day today (hence, no Privateer server today) and managed to get FreeWorlds to play nice with a hacked content.dll file. That file (which I did not make, but has been part of many Open SP mods since April of last year) was causing problems with mission difficulty. Only 20+ Level missions were available, and while it was funny the first time my Z-95 went up against a dozen firesprays, I lost my sense of humor very quickly. I didn’t lose my patience though, isolated the problem and conjured up a work-around.

Right now I’m waiting for permission from the Free Worlds team to upload the mod to Lancer’s Reactor, but anyone who wants it emailed to them (it’s about 550k) pm me and I’ll send it your way.

Here’s the readme:

Open SP - Free Worlds v1.65


Allows Open SP for Free Worlds v1.65 (unpatched)

Choose from one of many factions:


Starting Ship: Pinook
Starting Location: Corellia

New Republic

Starting Ship: Z-95
Starting Location: Coruscant


Starting Ship: TIE Fighter
Starting Location: Imperial Sector Command

Bounty Hunters

Starting Ship: Preybird
Starting Location: Cloud City


Starting Ship: IRD Fighter
Starting Location: Nar Shadda

Organized Crime

Starting Ship: Cloakshape Fighter
Starting Location: Tatooine

Additional Info:

Activate FreeWorlds 1.65, then activate this mod. Start a single player game as normal. This mod is not currently compatible with the 1.65 patch.

Future versions of this mod will implement more factions to choose from. Please email suggestions for factions, starting locations and clothing options to the email address at the bottom of this document.


Chips - Open SP Variant (I used it as a template)
Xerx - Original Open SP
Free World Team - FreeWorlds TC for Freelancer
Non Compos Mentis - Minor scripting

email removed

FreeWorlds - Open SP mod update - New and Improved! With link for download!

The addon mod


Thanks for your efforts, Sean. They are appreciated. One quick question. Should the SP mods only be used after playing through the original campaign? In other words do they unbalance/break the actual SP game? Or do they enhance a first-time experience?

Thank you again for your work!

The OpenSP mods have no campaign missions. What they do is allow players, those who either don’t have a broadband connection or don’t wish to play online due to most servers being set to PvP, the ability to play the mod without having to start their own closed server everytime they play.

My addon mod tries to enhance single player experience for FreeWorlds by adding features not included with the original FreeWorlds release, but it does not have any story missions.