FTL, space rogue-like

I think the sector 2 encounter can be beaten with the right setup. I almost managed to do it with three missile systems and three shields, but just when the enemy ship was at half health I ran out of time.

Every playthrough has definitely been different, and I continue to find new gear to play with. Fire lasers are hilarious, and extremely destructive if you drop an enemy ship’s shields first.

I wonder why you can’t just download the demo from somewhere. I don’t want to sign up with onlive!

But I guess I will. :(

Hahaha I called it, I defeated the sector 2 encounter. I was recording at the time too! I’ll post a link to the Youtube vid in a bit after I’m done putting it together and uploading. :)

Edit: I’m up too late, a shorter clip of the actual “impossible” ship being destroyed is uploading right now. Sometime tomorrow I’ll upload the full session, including what happens after.

I’ve searched high and low, and I think I’m the first to figure this one out. Pretty cool easter egg! Footage will be up in an hour or so at:


Edit: First video is up of the battle itself, the full playthrough is uploading right now.

That’s totally cool!

Well, bad news on my extended video. I spent hours uploading it today, only to see it get rejected because of a copyright strike from Sega that hit my account a few weeks ago (which should be cleared up very soon). It caused my Youtube channel to revert to 15 minutes or less uploads, so I’ll have to split the extended playthrough video up in two parts then try again. I’ll try to get it done tonight.

Edit: The full gameplay videos of the game leading to the defeat of the sector 2 boss are finished uploading:

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55v2BwFIFjI
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEp1DvU0npY

The developers also gave me a mention in their latest Kickstarter update, pretty cool! I guess they’re sending me some sort of prize. :)


Also I was hoping the new $80 donation tier incentives would be interesting, but they seem to be 2x of the $40 packages with a pdf manual thrown in. Thats kind of disappointing. They need to get more creative. something like personalized forum sigs/avatars or something.

this just hit $100k on kickstarter.


I forgot to mention it here but the developers actually sent me a giant pizza-sized chocolate chunk cookie for being the first to defeat the impossible pirate boss from the OnLive demo. It really cracked me up.

Here’s a pic: https://twitter.com/#!/OhmWrecker/media/slideshow?url=pic.twitter.com%2FMgjUhs9w

That’s downright cool of them!

New video

beta will commence for in ~48 hours according to the official website.

Roooock on!

Keys have gone/are goin out, check your email.

I got mine…

Oooohhhhh yeeeaaaahhh…

Now I need to find an excuse to go home early.

I never played the Online or whatever demo they had before, I just bought into it on Kickstarter based on how awesome it looked.

The game does not disappoint.

Is there any way to get in on this beta since the Kickstarter is complete?

seconded, not sure how I missed this one :(

Apparently not:

Very nice beta so far.

Booooooo :/