FTL - Spaceship Roguelike Thing

Jesus, I’ve wanted Starship Crew Management Sim for, like, forever, and this looks pretty close…

Thomas is light years ahead of you…

Yeah, Artemis is cool but I have no interest in getting 12 people together for a Kobayashi Maru LARPing party. My dream game is a tactical RPG… in spaaace… with Homeworld control and graphics and loads of ship and crew customization. Star Wolves had some of what I’m looking for, but it wasn’t a very good game IMO. Same with Infinite Space. This FTL thing looks like it has some of what I want.

I DO! Totally.

Yeah, other than this FTL thingy, I can’t think of a game that offers what you’re asking for.

Seriously? Between all of us nutcases here in Qt3 we couldn’t fetch together a splendid evening over mumble (or teamspeak, which is leagues better)?

Well, a lot of the fun of Artemis is having a full crew working together in person; playing over the net really cheats the experience, IMHO.

Yeah, that looks entirely like Battlestations, which makes me a bit giddy.

Only if the players cheat.
Sure, the captain can’t come over to look at your console or pluck you in the ear for missing a reading (or flirt with you if you’re a blondie); but if everyone play strict to their console and coordinate then you achieve the essence, which is a large naval vessel operated by personnel commanded by a captain and the best functional team that works well and its members are professionals wins.

I remember this, I was really excited when it came out. Then I remembered that I had no friends. ::sigh::

It’d seem to be that…

So their kickstarter is past 1000% funding.

Brian Rubin were you the guy that donated $5k?


I wish.

There’s another more active thread, can mods merge?