Fuck you Tim Langdell

Originally Posted by Coca Cola Zero

I hope wasting precious threads makes you happy! You’ll be sorry when we are out of threads.

Well, I made this thread to highlight the indie community’s awesome response by renaming all their games. Besides, the original thread title is flat out false.

But I am glad that the new thread with its more vulgar and correct moniker is informing more folks of Langdell’s fuckitudery.

I…I… words fail me. How the fuck is he not yet in prison? The whole Limbo of the Lost thing seemed more like rank incompetence than deliberate, criminal malfeasance, but this guy has fraud artist practically tattooed over every inch of his body.


If he doesn’t have a mental illness, he should be jailed.

The more I read, the more I think that he is mentally ill. The memory card thing is the sort of behaviour I would expect from a 7 year old.

Or he’s broke/sustaining an unsustainable lifestyle and can’t face living on whatever wage he would earn without his dodgy ways.

But I don’t think he actually makes any money out of the majority of his license deals. It seems like he’s doing it more out of personal pride and the need to believe that his company is still relevant. If he can get a game to stick his name on their box, he’ll count that as a win, even if they don’t pay him any money.

It sounded like he was pretty damn dishonest about his business practices even when his company actually made games, back in the 80s.

That little girl drew a nice picture of a phoenix.

Probably a combination of the two.

Shouldn’t his Professorship be in jeopardy for these kinds of illegitimate business practices? Also, is English his first language? His posts read like Nigerian scam artist.

I wonder if he’s sued EA/Bioware yet?

If U2’s ‘Edge’ were in Rockband, I think Tim’s universe would implode.

You’ll be hearing from my lawyers shortly.

This time I blame Apple. Its patently obvious that Langdell is an insane trademark troll with no genuine desire to contribute positively to the human race. Apple need to stand the fuck up to this waste of space and tell him exactly where he can stick his bullshit trademark.

You should blame Apple. Their policy is if anyone makes any kind of claim against you, however baseless, they will pull your app if you don’t satisfy them.

Let me relate my own little story. We’ve got a pretty successful little preschooler game in the app store right now (monkey preschool). It’s a collection of 5 minigames, one of which is a memory-style matching game.

Not long after our app got pretty popular (#23 overall at it’s best), we got a letter from Apple. They were forwarding a letter from a german company that claimed our app violated their trademark for the word “memory”. A few things to note: this company doesn’t have a trademark on the word in any English speaking country. Also, our game doesn’t use the word memory anywhere in it, even in the game description. Their issue was that we used the word memory as one of our keywords in the app store. The threatening letter was trying to get us to license the trademark.

I showed this to a couple lawyers, who said that there was no basis for the claim at all, and that it was basically a shakedown attempt with no legal merits.

Apple’s response was: If we don’t hear from this german company that their claim is satisfied, we are going to pull your app. They did not care at all about what the lawyers I had talked to said or anything else.

In our case, it was easy enough to change the keyword, but I resented having to give in to these jackasses who apparently have made a business out of baseless legal shakedowns.

So the lesson here is: if you ever want to pull an app from the app store, just sent a letter to Apple with any kind of made up legal claim. They’ll pull it, no questions asked!

No. Either the guy has a legitimate trademark, or he doesn’t. Either way, why would you expect Apple to get in the middle of the dispute? I presume that the app store deal doesn’t include “free legal representation.”

The people who need to stand up to the troll are the parties who are being accused (in my opinion wrongly) of misappropriating someone else’s trademark. Yes, that sucks and is an additional hassle and expense, but fundamentally this is a risk of doing business, and people who want to sell in a marketplace need to be prepared to deal with it as a possibility.

I should add, after my tirade above, that I don’t disagree with this and I do understand why Apple has taken the policy they have. That said, the consequences of a policy of considering every legal claim equally valid are, as I said, that anyone with a lawyer can get any app they want pulled if they were so inclined.

It’s pretty infuriating to deal with as a developer, “standing up” in our case would have done nothing to get our app back in the store unless we had filed some kind of countersuit.

Is it normal for Eurogamer to mark American spelling with [sic]? Like “Medal of Honor [sic]?” Or is that reserved for people they, rightly in this case, want to embarass?