Funniest scene you've ever seen in a movie

Honestly, and ill fully own to a bit of homership, my favorite American comedies of all time include Ferris Beuller, Blues Brothers, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

That entire movie is freaking gold.

My contribution, Inspector Clouseau. All the Cato scenes.

The single funniest scene I’ve ever seen in a movie ends with a naked John Cleese hiding his privates behind a very small mirror, in A Fish Called Wanda.

It’s even funnier than all of the other unbelievably funny stuff in that movie. “The central tenet of Buddhism is not ‘Every man for himself!’”

Now there’s a funny set of movies

Peter Sellers was brilliant. So many great scenes from the Pink Panther series.

Does your dog bite?

It’s all very contextual but Dumb and Dumber had some really good ones.

That is not my dog.

I stand by my words. But good god yes, this movie is delightful. I honestly don’t understand why it’s not more frequently considered in the pantheon of great bad movies. Nothing can top Miami Connection for me, but this is clearly #2.

I’ve never seen this movie, but now apparently I must.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod you need to. I don’t think I have ever before felt such an enormous sense of goodwill towards a filmmaker and cast. When it was over, I just wanted to give them a hug and congratulate them on having made a movie. It is utterly incompetent, but made with such joyous earnestness. They really believed they could change the world through the positive power of taekwondo, and it shows.

It’s on Amazon Prime. Watch it. There’s also a great HDTGM episode.

Hey cool I didn’t know Michael Phelps was doing movies.

I love the music from that trailer. I love that trailer. I must see this.

You really do!



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