Galactica 2005 (with SPOILERS)

thanks. i either missed that exchange or it faded from memory. that makes more sense, or at least makes as much sense as sci-fi tech can. :)

They have fast computers networked together.

Nah, they can also jump right from the Galactica’s position near Kobol direct to Caprica.

At some ponit I hope that Galactica gets something up on the Cylons. Sometimes it feels a little like an episode of “World’s most one sided fights”.

That’s why I am waiting for the COMMANDER F’N CAIN episode/s.

[size=1]I just watched all of Deadwood season 1 in 2 days, and now I envision Commander Cain as a bitter, sarcastic guy who steps on peoples’ throats and says cocksucker a lot. [/size]

LOL, That would fit the way they have redone the show, and would be a good twist.

But they’d have to make up some “space word” for cocksucker.

Don’t they say “fark” instead of “fuck.”

New game-- what would be a good made up word for cocksucker that we would all immediately recognize as cocksucker?


And they say “frack” and not “fark”.

I know, because I’ve developed the odd habit of using it. Weird, I know.


They could just start swearing in Chinese.

Frellnik? Yotz, Dren, Tralk…

:cry: I just watched all of Firefly and hate Fox more than ever. ( I think that’s what you’re refering to )

:cry: I just watched all of Firefly and hate Fox more than ever. ( I think that’s what you’re refering to )[/quote]

Then watch it on sci-fi this Friday.

Boomer actually says “fuck” in the first episode but then they fall back to “frak” most of the time. Not exactly sure what the idea is there, but hey.

No way really? I have them all down loaded I am gonna have to go listen for that. About what part was it?

Yup, Cylon virus did infect Galactica.

Those Centurion are scary too – man, they come RUNNING AT YOU to kill you.

So in essence, the Cylon God is a networked consciousness, representing or resembling some kind of built-in stealth AI, who wants/needs a massive network of living hosts to make it supremely smarter. Six types of human-like hosts, and one “toaster” variety (not to mention all the ships), just isn’t cutting the mustard. But why can’t it simply create more types? And what about the implication that humanity was created by the same being?

Licensing restrictions.

Finally go to see this one. Interesting haunted house episode, overall. I really like Starbuck’s music choice as well, speaking of haunting.

Things were a little too pat in parts for my taste. Did everybody have to end up the same place in the end?

Also, I’m a little confused. What exactly happened when the blood spattered the Cylon as it was coming down the corridor?

I thought the “same place in the end” incident was cool, because it looked very much like they were setting up a friendly fire incident. (i.e. you know the President’s group is going to this location, and you know Apollo’s is holed up there on hair-trigger alert with a guy who is not a reliable gun-handler). I was half-expecting to see the President or her aide get shot.

It wasn’t so much a case of “everyone in the same place” as it was “everybody needs to encounter Cylons to make the story work”.

  • Alan