Game Awards 2021 Live Snark

Bokeh Game Studio?

There better be absurd amounts of depth-of-field going on!

This looks so awesome. Steampunk survival game?

Looks like it’s an MMO…

Tree cutting looks impressive.


I m sorry … it should be for everybody!

PC Master Race would kill for a GPU for no more than 20% over MSRP right now.

Nice LOTR game, do wants. Hopefully Gollum has a happy ending.

The Gollum game feels about 20 years too late.

Is FFXIV bigger than WOW now?

wow that looks really cool. sommerville

Cuphead dlc? Tom will be excited!

Cuphead developers are really talented musicians too. Who knew?

DLC Island!

Somerville reminds me of Limbo and Inside.

Sonic causing deforestation?

Open-world Sonic?

A low framerate Sonic game! I bet it will run great two generations hence.

Kojima, facial hair is all pepper. Hair, jet black. C’mon.

Ok this movie looks good.

Kojima presenting a movie trailer at the game awards feels appropriate.

I was also astounded that they felt a jerky frame is a sellng point, apparently.