Game journalism backlash - the microcosm theory



This one cracked me up for some reason:

Usually it’s Americans and their “My great-great-great-grandparents were Irish, therefore I’m 100% a son of Dublin”. I’m very surprised to see it’s taken the Germanic style today.

Deutsche der Welt eine gerechte Behandlung in Videospielen Journalismus verlangen!

Dies ist ein Krieg über Ethik. Wir werden durchhalten, bis das Feld von ihrem Schmutz gereinigt!

I hate you and your Teutonic Justice Warrior ways. I’m going to find out where your “haus” is, break in one night, tie your lederhosen around your [CENSORED] [CENSORED] neck and then sloooowly squeeze until you die. The last think you’ll see is me [CENSORED] your [CENSORED] dachshund, you [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED]!

And when the light dims from your [CENSORED] Prussian eyes, you’ll know that this was all about corruption in gaming journalism.

Me and my best friends in college all had super German sounding names. Grenz, Steinmeyer, Salzwedel, Yunker. You’d think it was roll call from the Hitler Youth.

Aszurom I am so glad you changed your mind! Now I can show you the secret handshake, give you the Intelligentsia club card which gets you 15% off most restaurants, and get you started on earning your merit badges.



These fucking gamers are all alike! You try to state an appeal for a little Teutonic consideration and you get DEATH THREATS!

Don’t worry, you can delete your post, but the evidence has already been sent to the authorities.


Don’t worry, I have fled my home and myself and my lederhosen are in a safe place. If any media outlets would like to interview me about this Teutonic repression in gamer culture, please contact my press agency.

Thank you for your warm wishes. I am safe.

Ok, we’re all being fun but seriously… what about Germans? Don’t you think they’re just slightly fucked in games?

Go away for a day and come back and see this. Absolutely one of the funniest/best things I’ve read on Qt3.

You weren’t being serious, but yes negative stereotypes are rife in games. On the other hand, the German army of world war 2 was a complicit tool in the greatest mass murder of the 20th century, and complicit in prosecuting an aggressive war that killed upwards of 30 million people. I think their status as bad guys in that time period is probably secured for all time.

I think the only acceptable resolution would be an entire cessation of further games about world war 2, or involving Germanic people portrayed in a fascistic light.

Again this is an unserious stance you are taking, but that would constitute censorship and an unacceptable whitewashing of history.

Well, I can’t think of ANY video game where the objective of the player was to rampage through the game, murdering nameless faceless women or minorities. Then at the end you fight the leader of Feminism in her robotic battle suit.

I can name you about 100 games with Germanophobic tones.

Also, censorship is the necessary obligation of the media, to prevent cultural acceptance of sexism, racism and Germanophobia. I cannot stand by while Germans and women are being prejudiced by the hateful gamer community. Despite your American bias, I think you have no choice but to admit that these things are wrong and are in fact a construct of your Allied victory privledge. However, it’s been 50 years since the war. WHEN DOES IT END?

I’ve learned so much about journalistic ethics from this thread I could give a commencement speech on the topic.


Also, censorship is the necessary obligation of the media

Successful satire generally hinges on having something to satirize. It falls a bit flat when the targets of your satire are fictitious constructs existing only in your head.

You should have gone for the orc angle.

The Crusaders Of Ultimate Justice are already aware of the plight of the noble orc thanks to hard hitting investigative bards over at The Verge.

Gawker delenda est

Maybe after millions of people die in an actual war against a robotic feminist, you will see such a game.

However, it’s been 50 years since the war. WHEN DOES IT END?

Given that we are still refighting the Punic wars, probably not in the near future.

It’s interesting how you bring up Tolkien’s Orcs here.

There is ample evidence to suggest that Tolkien was indeed personifying the Germanic peoples in the character of his villains of Middle Earth. If you look at the long history of troubles between the Orcs and the Dwarves, perhaps this sheds a light on why Tolkien went full racist.

““The dwarves of course are quite obviously - wouldn’t you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews? Their words are Semitic obviously, constructed to be Semitic.””
― J.R.R. Tolkien

Well, now.

He further goes on to speak about Germanic engineering prowess, and how it related to warfare:

"It is not unlikely that they [Orcs] invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once, for wheels and engines and explosions always delighted them"" 
― The Hobbit, "Over-Hill and Under-Hill" 

So, I’d say how dare anyone continue to just make casual references to the Orcs in video games without first taking pause to consider what their initial foul toned purpose was in literature.

And if you present a good enough argument to actually convince enough people, you might be able to actually change stuff. And if you don’t, well, it’ll be an interesting position, might have some truth to it, but meh, everyone’s got an opinion.

And are Germans getting fucked in games? Not anymore than whatever the foreigner bad guys for the latest spunkgargleweewee are.

Second big laugh this board has delivered today.