Game Music 2: Beyond Thunderdome

Freaking lunatics.

I do my best to point out when @geggis is wrong, like all the time! ;) But his song pick was top notch!

That sudden surge for Sworcery surprised me.

Well, 'domes gonna 'dome.

I nearly voted for Outcast against Cuphead and I could imagine doing the same this round against Sword & Sworcery, it’s that good. The Shamazaar theme was the first full-blooded 5 I doled out for a track I hadn’t heard before and since then it’s become one of my favourites in the 'dome. The section from 3:57 with the quivering strings and emotive violin(?) before the warmth of the rest of the ensemble comes in gets me every time. It’s just such a sumptuous and magical piece. I said it earlier on and I’ll say it again: it takes me places.

I adore the unlikely mix of The Prettiest Weed though; its sonorous opening piano stabs and the organ that creeps in, its warbling synth hook and the raw propulsive Bonham-esque drums – the soaring solo that rides the track out almost as quickly as it comes in. It’s Guthrien alchemy and an intoxicating hit from Sword & Sworcery EP.

All that side, this feels like a much more evenly matched final than the first thunderdome’s! There’s two winners here.

50/50 now with 18 votes. It is ON!


I guess we find out soon if the Thunderdome can be wrong TWICE.

Oh, this 'dome was already wrongified when Crazy Comets didn’t make the main draw.

And when the Furi track went down in the RO8. Alas :(

Funnily enough I didn’t even think was the strongest contender of my batch. “March,” for sure.

Nor Transistor and Ocarina of Time

Like @ArmandoPenblade I feel my strongest selection didn’t get as far as my second choice. But I’m a sucker for Supergiant, so I don’t know how Bastion and Transistor didn’t do better with all you nut jobs ;)

Yeah, this.

No, I don’t think so. The chiptune aesthetic is still valid if you … OPEN YOUR EARS

Eh, I loved the Monty on the Run track from the last Dome, but the Crazy Comets one didn’t do much for me.

As the guy who wants VVVVVV to win everything every time, I get the chiptune aesthetic. Personally, I also found Crazy Comets to be noisy in an unpleasant way, but I can definitely get the appeal!

Liking chiptunes yet disliking Hubbard is incomprehensible to me. A chacun sa gout and all that.

I was just listening to the Tales of Legendia soundtrack this morning. “Who submitted this,” I asked myself, “And how did they get to be so tasteful?” I’m not good at picking favorites, as I believe the rest of my comments will demonstrate, but March is definitely up there.

The soundtrack is so much better than it had any right to be. I’ll be plucking from it in future Domes for sure!

I think the problem I have with the Sworcery soundtrack is that it is like nap-rock but for video game music.

Like, the stuff from Fez is similar, but infinitely better.

And a de gustibus non est disputandum to you too!

I liked some of the other Hubbard tracks better, like Murray. Again, it was specifically the fuzzy noise stuff that didn’t work for me in Crazy Comets. And that was just in comparison to whatever it was up against, of course!