Game of Thrones (HBO)

Fashion Thrones Police should be a thing.*

*Confession time: I used to watch Fashion Police with the late Joan Rivers while hanging out with my brother and his then GF back when.

Littlefinger tells Sansa that maybe she should use Brienne to talk to Arya. Sansa immediately sends Brienne to King’s Landing instead.

Anyone have any idea what that’s all about?

I look back to the exchange between Tyrion and Jon at Dragonstone.

“she’s smarter than she lets on”
“she’s starting to let on”

Well, Littlefinger says that Brienne would defend both sisters and prevent one from harming the other.

Then Sansa sends Brienne to Kings Landing. So…

Ya, the dragonglass is what kills the thing pretty much instantly.

Which then makes you wonder, why is anyone using anything other than dragonglass, at all, on their trek to the north?

The fire swords look cool and all, but they aren’t effective at all. They seem to just create… burning zombies. Which are by all appearances worse than normal zombies.

I guess. The whole Arya and Sansa conflict is dumb as hell. I sort of get how they wound up in their respective stances, but their behavior is just too extreme. It’s one thing to be like, “Oh, wow! You’ve really changed!” It’s another to literally threaten each other and start plotting violence from jump.

Frankly, I don’t buy Arya’s stupidity in the last couple of episodes. It either means she accepted Littlefinger’s letter setup, or if she’s faking it all, then it’s a long con with no real purpose. Just kill him already.

Arya’s entire character has been pretty much non-stop idiocy for the entire series.

I mean, at no point has she ever made any really sound decisions.

No disagreement there. In this case, she’s being deceived so clumsily. The writers even made a point of having her make the callback to the Lying Game. So, again, either we accept that Arya, trained by the Faceless Men to deceive and see through deceivers is being bamboozled by the lamest trap ever, or she’s got some super-ruse in play that involves something more purposeful than sidling up to Littlefinger in the dark and straight-up stabbing him? The whole story in Winterfell is bonkers.

I’m also annoyed that Jon didn’t use one of the super-Westerosi ravens to tell the folk at Winterfell that he was back in the North (and not a prisoner of Dany), taking a stroll beyond the Wall. Given the lords’ unhappiness with his leaving, you’d think he’d have remembered to do at least that.

Friggin’ Starks.

You have to love the way the Night King completely ignores the stationary short distance dragon right in front of him so he can throw his spear at the flying farther away dragon in the air. I really don’t think the Night King wants to win. Maybe he’s Bran after all, just putting up a good show, but not really wanting to kill Dany & Jon. I mean he could have just lobbed those spears at the group when they were camped out for days on the rock instead of waiting & wasting hundreds of his walkers for no reason.

I guess if he had killed the easy one then those chains they dragged all over the North would have gone to waste so he had no choice really.

It’s possible to notice the inaccurate rivet-count on the ravens without letting it bother you :) It set up an awesome dragons vs undead battle on a frozen lake, which was a spectacle worth watching.

Most of the other questions are readily answered. Why does Jon wander so far from the dragon? He’s brave and honorable, like Ned, but he’s also a dumbass, like Ned. Why does Arya turn on Sansa? Arya’s wily and dangerous, but she’s also an egotistical dumbass who failed out of faceless school for her insistence on being someone. Also, they’re both teenagers, recently orphaned. Why does the night king go for the distant dragon at first? Maybe he’s showing off, maybe he’s taking out the one currently frying his troops, or maybe he’s more a force of nature than a tactical thinker.

But if you’re in the mode of “find the flaws,” none of those will satisfy. I’m happy I can toggle that off.

GoT has gleefully tossed away GRRM’s po-faced semi-realism that stood as the real difference maker in the earlier seasons. GoT is now The Beastmaster with more blood and tits. It now only exists to showcase Awesome Shit that we’ve been waiting nearly a decade for:

  • Zombie bears
  • Fuckin’ Zombie Dragons
  • Dragons burninating shit like it was just no fuckin thing
  • The Inglorious Bastard and his seven Ronin
  • Dany riding Jon’s baloney pony (regardless of familial standing)
  • The Hound snarking one-liners pretty much non-stop, the fuckin cunt
  • People not really drowning when they should be drowning
  • Arya’s Westerosi Tour of Murder and More Murder
  • The Best Death Metal Band north of the wall firing off SA-2s and shit

I mean, yeah, it’s all spun sugar and chocolate and everyone knows you can’t live off of candy but it sure is nice that after six years of eating rubbery roast beef and overdone cabbage that we can indulge guilt-free in pure sweetness.

Hey, let’s not hold her sister up as any seemingly real power source for the family either. She’s a victim, always a victim. From the point she was excited to be betrothed to Joffrey and the subsequent scuffle that led to Arya losing her direwolf, Sansa didn’t care. She didn’t care about Arya, she didn’t care (much) about Rob, or Jon, etc. She worried about her life and situation the most.

Meanwhile, dedicated to the family and revenge, Arya, warts and all, is a murderous machine.

If anyone needs to die, I’d gladly offer up not only Littlefinger, but Sansa as well. Otherwise we’ll get 2-3 more posturing and pouting episodes where she tries for power but isn’t satisfied that other people have it in spades in comparison.

This episode has its fair share of problems, and even some scenes could have been directed much better (Jon going further and further away from Drogon, for example), but many people - and I mean, MANY - are bashing it for the wrong reasons and silly “problems”. My take on some of those questions:

There are many possible answers. Maybe the Night King is a greenseer, so he had them in reserve. But, even if that’s not the case, imagine the following: captain Victarion Greyjoy Senior’s fleet of 4 ships had been caught in ice and abandoned 154 years ago, in the vicinity of Hardhome. Wildlings took the chains and used them for mammoths. And then Hardhome was destroyed…

It ultimately translates to: doesn’t matter. It’s easily explainable with a drop of imagination, and I just don’t understand why so many people see problem here. Maybe we need a spin-off: The Night King and his chains, to help people better understand what’s happened.

But, seriously, isn’t it obvious that some time has passed and the undead have returned from some place?

I am not sure if that is a possibility. The Night King passed right through the dragon flames.

Oh, but everyone IS equipped! Look more closely. Except Jon, who has Valyrian steel, and Beric and Thoros, who have fire swords, everyone else probably has some sort of dragonglass weapon. We even see that Jorah’s knives are made of dragonglass. That’s the reason why the undead fall so easily.

As the Hound would say, there is a lot of whinging going on in this tread.

I dunno about how much of that was NK’s plan from the jump, but he knew something was coming.

1). His wight was planted with the scout group
2). He patiently surrounded the Suicidal Seven and waited
3). He allowed Gendry to call for aid
4). His posture is totally chill (heh) until the dragons arrive, at which point he tosses out 2 spears and zero fucks.

I think he may have anticipated this very outcome. Team Breathing is kinda fucked.

I’ve waited six years to see dragons fighting zombies and this is all I got?

Also, that undead dragon better have frost breath or I’m going to pen an angry missive to the show’s fantasy science advisors.


blue eyes wight dragon. Please.

Blue eyes, dragon heart, can’t lose.

Not my proudest moment but I might’ve been asking the wife during the hand-holding scene toward the end how exactly should AILF be pronounced.