Game of Thrones (HBO)

Strangely enough that episode didn’t bother me at all but season 6 episode 7 where…

Arya gets her belly sliced open, is stabbed twice in the gut (and has the knife twisted) and then leaps off a bridge into dirty water annoyed me a lot. Especially since she recovered like 1.5 episodes later.

Season 7 as a whole was pretty bad compared to everything early. I feel like they lost their way once they had less GRRM material to use. Most of the Arya/Sansa stuff was pretty bad, just not AS bad as ep 6 for me!

I’m glad to finally see how it ends though, given the unlikelihood Martin will ever finish it.

I’m a huge fan of the series and I’m willing to overlook a lot of the flaws… but S7E6 is truly terrible.

It’s pretty clear they started with the end and worked back from there

The entire episode is a contrivance to create the wall-busting ice dragon

The worst part is that the episode could have easily been written so everything makes sense. Or at least a lot of it. I have really low expectations for season 8 here but at least we’ll finally have a resolution, see who lives/dies, etc.

…and IF he does, it’ll probably be phoned in.

A novelization of the TV series, by GRRM. He’ll probably forget his original names for characters and go with the TV show’s substitutions. No mention of Lady Stoneheart ever again, etc.

Aaaw. This is sad. I am really looking forward to it. I hope you enjoy it on some level, at least.

Meh, the whole thing has unravelled over the couple of seasons, everything’s hurried, the writing’s been pretty poor.

But at the end of the day, I’m so invested in the characters that I want to see the resolution, however sketchy it is.

Yeah, this is how I feel. The first bunch of seasons were pretty slow, but the production and characters held it up. Then suddenly last season they go into turbo mode, and throw their already flimsy rules about travel time out the window. I agree with a poster above who suggested that they’ve started working back from the finale and just doing what they need to do to move the various pieces around the board in order to get there in as many episodes as they have left.

I’ll be watching, but I hope the final episodes are a return to their older form and not just a rapid brutal march towards the final scene.

Every season has been worse than the prior season. People keep watching because they’re too invested at this point.

Wow, lots of salt in this thread. I still think GOT is awesome. I’ve enjoyed every season pretty much equally. I’m really looking forward to the final season - woohoo! :)

Lurve me some GOT and while I think the last few seasons have more issues than the first 4 or so, I attribute that to having to speed up the pace of things by a factor of 5 to try and end the show in a few seasons rather than let it play out along the pace originally set by seasons 1-3 (or so).

I’m with you all the way.

Sign me up in the still love GOT park. And it’s not like I won’t drop shows I don’t like. I still get questions about I never finished True Blood.

Also in the “GoT remains awesome” group. The first fifteen minutes of “The Winds of Winter” (season six finale) are somewhere on the podium for my favorite bits of TV ever.

Click this and see if you don’t get a little chill when the music begins.

That was a pretty incredible moment, for sure, as was the next scene with her son. It might not be as tight as it was but the moments, the characters… it’s still there.

That is unfair, though. The reason he hasn’t finished is because he wants it just the way he thinks is best. It might be slow to do, and end up needing severe cuts in the interest of the gimmicky viewpoints, but he doesn’t compromise.
Sadly, we’ll probably just end up with the caricature of the TV show.

Plus those damn Jets keep heading to spring training!

This might seem obvious but don’t read this if you want to avoid any info at all about season 8. I thought it might only be about the struggle to make the season, not providing immediate spoilers about it.

The tagline even says “spoiler-free journey” - sheesh. Oh well.