
Just saw this. Unfortunately, I have no idea who you are so I can’t come up with a pithy reply.

Or that being a warrior for social justice sounds like a pretty good thing to be, actually, as does being a white knight. While ideas about what exactly constitutes social justice vary, to fight for it is positive.


Being a dragoon is better. They get the jump attack!

I kindly asked their moderator to please delete my account.

I’ve never understood that except as a passive-aggressive message.

It’s data in a table somewhere, just forget about it, and never log in again.

Seriously, does anyone have other thoughts about it?

You could think of it as a confession of poor self-control, as a request to be spared the temptation of further interaction.

** Yes, but this isn’t about GG is it? **

You know that any important discussion has people calling others “opponents”

Yeah. Some people CAN. NOT. LET. THINGS. GO. So, if you’re one of those, a clear moment of lucidity will lead you to ask for your account to be deleted.

It’s a reasonably rational response, actually. It’s the same reason some folks delete everything when they finally, truly quite an MMO.

Yup. At least it’s in politics now.

I freaking love that this was moved out of the Gaming forum.

Yes, but I was clarifying that the term wasn’t originally coined as a positive.

It still kind of sets my teeth on edge because while MRA is the correct and accepted acronym for MRA advocates, SJW really isn’t to people fighting against the MRA or #gamergate. So while one is proudly accepted and encouraged by its members, the other is still considered an insult by many.

Right, I got that. I was trying to point out that the attractiveness of the term might be why some of those its being thrown at might be co-opting it as a positive. I think I failed ;-)

Ryan Smith, apparently the sole dissenting member of the GameJournoPro list, talks about the “incredibly airtight bubble” game writers inhabit and from which they declare rubbish like the “death of gamers” which caused GamerGate to explode in the first place.

In my year and a half in the group, I was often the only dissenting opinion in specific topics and most of the time I got totally ignored. Sometimes I was criticized or told I was off-topic. Sometimes I was warned I was “creating a hostile environment” to specific people for disagreeing with them in an unapologetic way, and a couple times I was told I’d be kicked out of the group. The informal pressure to “fall in line” with the groupthink was very strong.

Female game devs weigh in on #gamergate.


No one is trying to ‘destroy games’ or take away ‘hardcore games’ or tell anyone what games they should or should not play. No one is trying to say that the ‘male video game culture’ has to die. What they are saying is that the current culture and ecosystem surrounding games has some toxic and unwelcoming areas and THAT needs to change.

What many are also saying, and what I wish was considered ‘obvious’ to everyone, is that having a more diverse group of game developers creating a more diverse set of games played by a more diverse set of players is good for everyone in the industry. It keeps this industry sustainable and creates an environment that allows creative, engaging games of all types to be made so that everyone can experience the joys of playing video games.

I wish.

Thanks for the summary on the first page!! I guess I tunes at about #5 or #6 so I missed when it morphed into a hashtagged event. I had to Urban Dictionary google SJW today. I have missed ever-so much.

Since it is a closed forum with no account I will not even be tempted to visit again since I can not see their forums any more. I also admit there is some part of me that hopes when that account is either locked or deleted it may trigger a few people over there to realize how their negative behaviour impacts others and how they are perceived. If calling attention to boorish behavior while walking away is passive aggressive (this is a term that is difficult for me to look up) than I will will admit to being so. I want to stress that Lum was nothing but helpful and pleasant and my decision is not any reflection upon him personally.

I agree. That’s why I think it’s perfectly reasonable for Lum to limit who joins his forum. He’s under no obligation to allow everyone in.

I have no arguments with your (implicit) assertion that BF’s entire populace does not fit that bill. Do you have any problem with my assertion that gamergate’s entire populace also does not fit that bill?

I agree.

Assuming we both come to his mutual agreement that not all actors are 100% rational and reasonable people, what, pray tell, do you think is going to happen when the two sides collide?

I don’t think they need to collide. I do, however, think it’s perfectly reasonable to link to their discussions in the context of demonstrating they kinds of behavior that those who claim #gamergate supporters are monsters engage in.

If BF kept their posts to themselves I could care less. It’s a free country. I can choose not to go there if I don’t like it.

But they don’t.

Even yesterday, in a civil conversation on Facebook regarding the issue, Lum jumps in and starts insulting me out of left field. The problem is that they get themselves so worked up that they let it spill outside their forum.

Just one example to illustrate what I mean:

About a year ago, Zoe Quinn and I were discussing this issue (reasonably civily) and one of the BF regulars pops in and links her and her followers to the BF thread.

This isn’t infrequent btw. An article shows up on PC Gamer about a new game, and there shows up a BF user linking to the BF post. Or we give away free copies of Fallen Enchantress and someone from BF shows up, links to the BF thread to make sure people know I’m horrible and that they shouldn’t buy games.

It’s all well and good to purport a desire for others to be the adults in the room when dealing with these matters. However, it’s probably only honest if you act like an adult to begin with. Instead, you’ve effectively stepped up and said “Look, I’m not saying she did, but Johnny, I heard Susie called you a bad name on the playground. Maybe you should go ask her about it!”

That’s neither intellectually honest nor particularly sporting. And it’s certainly beneath you if you’re trying to pretend to be the adult in the room.

I think that’s a perfectly valid argument. And for the past two years, I’ve basically kept my frustration on their harassment to myself or in comments on my blog in response to people telling me what they were saying. That’s two years to let them get it out of their system. Sure, they’re totally wrong in what they’re saying. They have no idea what they’re talking about but if I just ignore it, maybe they’ll find some new thing to fixate on.

And so then this whole ugly #gg thing comes up and here we go again. There’s a huge deluge of anti-gamer articles and I tweet that I like gamers . I like the gaming community. I come to sites like QT3 because I like to talk to gamers about games. And so what happens? The same old tired crap starts up where I’m “damaged goods” simply because I was accused of something that wasn’t even true.

I just want to make and play games. I’d love to be able to do it without being harassed over and over again. And when Lum started to pull his crap on Facebook I decided, you know, I wonder how they’d feel if someone shined a spotlight on what they’re doing. And now we know.

If they don’t like it, all they have to do is knock it off. Quit targeting me. Quit letting their hate spread beyond their forum. Keep BF stuff on BF.

Since it is a closed forum with no account I will not even be tempted to visit again since I can not see their forums any more. I also admit there is some part of me that hopes when that account is either locked or deleted it may trigger a few people over there to realize how their negative behaviour impacts others and how they are perceived. If calling attention to boorish behavior while walking away is passive aggressive (this is a term that is difficult for me to look up) than I will will admit to being so. I want to stress that Lum was nothing but helpful and pleasant and my decision is not any reflection upon him personally.

Qt3 is not the bastion of wholesomeness and all things games you are looking for. This and all forums have their fair share of similar nonsense. BF has actually been pretty drama free since it re-emerged. However, anything around long enough, is going to have strong personalities and posters rise to the top when something important to them comes along. Rightly or wrongly, there is a long history built into this story with gamergate, MRA folks and Brad, So for better or worse, it is kind of a big deal to a lot of people.

It is important to me, but not enough to wet myself and post on internet forums about, but I do not begrudge people that want to process it that way.

EDIT: LEt me add that I pick those three subjects out of a hat of things this whole clusterfuck has covered. Not lumping them all as one group.

So this was you punishing the community for something Lum said on Facebook?

Brad, I honestly can’t tell if you’re an extremely selfish and myopic man who thinks he’s fooling anyone or just a human being completely lacking in perspective or self-awareness.

You made a deliberate effort to annoy and harass Broken Forum. That’s on you. Like I said on Twitter, stop being such a child. There’s no half-assed ex post facto explanation that can make you look like you were in the right on this one.

He may have a point, though I sort of internally discount any argument that has as part of its thesis that there’s an insider bubble to be inside of. Literally anyone can be a games “journalist”. You don’t even need a printing press anymore. There is no limit to the amount of webspace that can be devoted to interminable think-pieces about games. And really, you don’t even need to be able to write, since there are dozens of youtube channels that draw more eyeballs than anything posted on Kotaku or RockPaperShotgun ever will.

If this guy wants to write dissenting opinion pieces there’s infinite space for him to do so. I suspect, though, that what he really wants is to be able to write dissenting opinions and have them published on the front-page of Kotaku and get paid for it, and that’s entirely up to them.

There is a sizable contingent of the BF community that are not QT3 folks and didn’t participate in any thread where Brad might come up as well, being there primarily for the very active Let’s Play subforum.