Games Journalism 2017: Gaming news in a post-truth world

So my friend got nominated for a Games Journalism Award a couple of days ago for his work on Electron Dance, and yesterday he released the first two chapters of his book ‘The Weapons of Progress’ (for free):

The Weapons of Progress explores the recent indie revolution and the plight of those trying to make a living from game development. It shows how this revolution was doomed to failure and subverted to become a method of cultural control.

Chapter II looks at the economics behind the collapse of videogame pricing, why it is hard to resist and what this has to do with the so-called indiepocalypse.

He’s the chap who I’ve been doing the Side by Side series with. I’ve always loved his writing so I’m really happy for him, not just for the nomination but for hitting the milestone of getting his first two chapters out.