Games Journalism 2018: We're taking it back!

That wasn’t directed at you, more of a general statement. I was both horrfiied with and enjoyed the comic posted. I should have broken that with some sort of symbol I guess.

Forbes gave MHW some attention. Maybe I am too old but I still marvel at the idea that some non-tech and non-gaming site even cares enough print anything. The commercials for games are all the theaters too.

The interesting thing about Monster Hunter games is that the monsters behave like animals in many ways. There is an ecology at work, monsters have realistic (and idiosyncratic) behaviors, and when they are too hurt they will flee (sometimes leaving “tears” behind). In many games, hunting is a binary thing - creatures have “game-like” behaviors which further detach them from what we recognize as real animals, thus allowing the player to not connect the in-game hunting to the real act of hunting. But a big point of MonHun is making monsters feel closer to real animals, in an ecosystem that feels real - and because of that it can become uncomfortable for some.

Now, there’s the other side of that, which is the respect for the hunt, the spiritual connection to the cycle of life and death we all are a part of. And I think there’s plenty of that in MonHun as well. You don’t hunt monsters for sport. If anything, there is a great deal of respect for the hunt, a great deal of appreciation for the death that will result in life and civilization. As someone said before, you hunt monsters, yes, but you don’t bring them to extinction, and you use almost everything you can get out of them. Not everyone will connect with the game at that level either, but for those who do, it’s a sobering experience.

Aww I felt a little bad when killing the poor ol Kulu-Ya-Ku. It’s semi-intelligent (uses tools), un-aggressive, and quite weak. Just minding it’s own business living it’s life stealing other monsters’ eggs.

But man I really like that outfit you get from butchering it… could it be, that I’m the monster?

The Ringer has its first article up for a series they’re doing of retrospectives for games released in 1998, a year frequently singled out for many landmark, innovative titles. The site’s starting off with the ultra-rare Sega Saturn game Panzer Dragoon Saga. The feature includes comments from its original developers, and considers the ambitious story (spoiler warning for the second half of the article), its unique battle system, and the history behind how the game secured its lost status. Unfortunately, I’ve never played any Panzer game (I didn’t even know P.D. Saga was an RPG), but after reading this, I really want to!

The Forbes sites hosts a bunch of content these days on any old subject, including a bunch of gaming coverage. Most of the stuff on there isn’t written by Forbes staffers/freelancers, it’s basically syndicated content.

While the writing rubs me the wrong way a few times and I think the author misses some interesting follow up questions… I really enjoyed the PDS article. I remember a few of my friends going absolutely nuts about the game back in the day, but I never got to really experience it, and I always regretted that. Now moreso.

Cross posted because I think this is a super feature that lets the subject talk while explaining what he is trying to accomplish rather well…

The co-creator of Counter-Strike has been charged.

Police said they have been investigating this case since May of last year, when they first began talking to the girl, who is identified in the criminal report by her initials, AC. AC told investigators that she had had sex with Cliffe at least three times between April and June of 2017, when she was 16. She said she was paid $300 per hour for these encounters.

Cliffe claims he didn’t know she was 16.

That article reads a lot better than the earlier ones that talked about ‘sexually exploiting a child’.

Hiring a prostitute off an adult website who turned out to be underage (and who, by her own admission, didn’t know if Cliffe knew her real age) comes across quite differently.

The recording her against her will sounds nasty.

Oh crap, dude’s from my neighborhood. This is blowing up the local blog.

Insel Games caught in Steam review manipulation scheme.

Steam Review Manipulation

It has been recently reported on Reddit that the publisher for this game, Insel Games Ltd., have been attempting to manipulate the user review score for their titles on Steam. We have investigated these claims, and have identified unacceptable behavior involving multiple Steam accounts controlled by the publisher of this game. The publisher appears to have used multiple Steam accounts to post positive reviews for their own games. This is a clear violation of our review policy and something we take very seriously.

For these reasons, we are ending our business relationship with Insel Games Ltd. and removing their games from our store. If you have previously purchased this game, it will remain accessible in your Steam library.

It’s still in my wishlist, but I can’t open Store Page. Oh well cyas Insel, perhaps you should patch your company with some ethics.

Another reason for Valve to drop user reviews. Ubisoft, Blizzard, Riot, Itch etc. don’t have to waste any time on this kind of stuff.

Unless this is pervasive, no.

Employees of French Developer Eugen Systems (Steel Division, Act of Agression, Wargame series) went on strike yesterday citing numerous violations of their rights.

I wonder what part the Paradox partnership played in this, if any. But it’s funny that nothing like this happened during the partnership with Focus…

It’s about ethics in board game journalism.


We’ve reached peak “games journalism” of the Kotaku/Polygon/Waypoint variety. Instead of a game review, we get an hour-long explanation of why some Czech guy’s political views put him on the blacklist. It never ceases to amaze me that there are people who enjoy the culture wars more than actually playing games.

highly questionable statements about the game’s “historical” accuracy regarding representing people of color

Has there been another controversy, or is this just because he doesn’t have any black people in a rural area of Bohemia in 1403? I assumed that just alt-right trolls trying to make the left look stupid.

Sigh, even Eurogamer is doing it now. And they also pick on him for the metal shirt he was wearing at Gamescom, like that’s further evidence of the ‘big problem’ with the game. :/

Are there no good game review sites left (present company excepted)?