Games Journalism 2018: We're taking it back!

I learned an instructive German saying recently: “If a Nazi is sitting at a table with ten other people, there are 11 Nazis at the table.”

That sums up the alt right and gamer gate very succinctly. I like it.

Reason is only part of the human experience, and especially in times like these, emotions run wild. For good reason, too. Reason only goes so far, and it can easily be blind to certain things; I often fail to see that.

I’ll still try to provide that kind of point of view because, well, I can’t deny who I am. I’m the kind of person who believes civility is the best thing we have and I’ll fight for it even when I shouldn’t. Sometimes, that’s a flaw. Sometimes that’s taken advantage of by unsavory people. I have in fact many scars of that kind in my heart. But I like to think that, sometimes, it’s a good thing.

I guess I’ll just step aside. Thanks for the kind comment, I appreciate it.

I really don’t like that saying, and I don’t think it’s remotely true. But I’ll admit that it is often accurate.

I mean, I guess the ten other people might be deciding which jail to put the nazi in.

No worries at all. I hope I didnt shout you down. You are adding to the discussion!

No, quite the contrary, in fact. But I don’t think I have much to add at this point.

Please don’t forget that the “acceptable views” we are talking of is Fuck off Nazis, I don’t care about whatever devil’s advocate game you are playing, but if you don’t think someone can say “Nazi’s can fuck off” as a private company, you got some interesting views, to say the least.

This is not directed at Rod, but at anyone defending or not actively denouncing Nazis

Also, I love that 10 people at the table thing, so perfect.

Me, I just sad the society has come to the point that people have to say “sorry, we don’t like Nazis” because that means that a some small part of that group is okay with Nazis.

Step 1 is making sure we all display sufficient hate toward the alt-right.

Step 2 is labeling normal conservative values as alt-right.

(I don’t say this to complain about being marginalized, but rather to explain why hate fails. Good luck.)

Step 2 hasn’t and doesn’t happened, except in minds of GOP members.

What has happened is an acknowledgement of by left that the GOP nominated and voted for a Racist who has strong ties to both Russia and the Alt Right.

Also, we should acknowledge that one party has nominated zero Nazis for national office, while the other… Has.

Watch out for denouncing Nazis guys, don’t want to get caught up on that slippery slope.

Bullshit. We can denounce Nazis all fucking day and still be rational people.

In fact, every conservative I’ve ever known until very recently would be at the very front of that Nazis-fuck-off parade.

For the record, I have no problem with them saying “we don’t support alt-right political views and we want to make that clear; we don’t ascribe to those values, and don’t come looking for them here; some of the things you identify with are things we identify with monsters, and I hope you’re well aware of that; also, don’t use our products to endorse views that differ from our own because that’s a bad thing to do”. That’s perfectly fine.

What I’m not fine with is “if you have beliefs different from our own, you are forbidden to buy or enjoy our products on their own terms; actually, you’re monsters beyond redemption and we wish you were dead - not vampires-like dead; really dead, because even a world of vampires is better without you”.

And I’m not fine with that because I’ve seen people change for the better. But they never did so by being rebuked and “hated”. While most will not change and, yes, keeping them away will often be the best idea, assuming such a posture with the people that are not beyond redemption will only succeed in radicalizing them and robbing them of the possibility of change. I think that’s the “last straw” that got Trump in power: the “deplorables” part of the equation, not the “nazi” part.

“Normal conservatives” have lain down with these dogs. Now they have fleas. That was their choice.

What the fuck…

Eurogamer is now disgusting, makes sense that a sister site would follow suit.

Oh yuck.


Yeah not a fan of that design style for a busy site like that one. We use a similar thing on Unwinnable but we only publish one piece a day on the site, so it works.

OK, can I ask what specifically you guys don’t like about the RPS redesign? We still need to improve the QT3 frontpage. And where as I don’t think I’d propose anything like what RPS has to Tom, it would still be good to understand where you think those sites (RPS or even Eurogamer) fail so we don’t repeat their mistakes.