Games journalism 2019 - Everything is streaming

Agree. I dont know whats got into him but tbh he has pretty hypocritical today on twitter. The “they are just working for a corporation to make money” card, is better played when you dont work for a corporation to make money yourself.

It also feels super two faced from journos like him who have been at the forefront of pushing issues around employment conditions and compensation for the rank and file devs, to turn around and depersonalize the situation in order to say no one should care how a business feels when their carefully planned reveal leaks, completely ignoring the impact on the real people who worked hard and were excited to share something with their audience.

I don’t think he’s talking about how the business feels about it at all. He’s just saying consumers shouldn’t feel “spoiled” when information doesn’t follow marketing’s timetable.

Then he’s just combating human nature. E3 is appointment viewing for a lot of people and there’s really nothing wrong with being excited about it. We’re talking about entertainment products from creators people care about. People anticipate the event like a new single off a band’s next album, or the first trailer for your favorite director’s new movie. It’s not a fabric softener rebrand getting leaked here.

Yeah exactly, glad others felt similarly. (snip silly rant)

Not quite games journalism but tech journalism:

Do NOT read the details at the original DailyDot story. It’s some really terrible stuff.

Jesus. Imagine having to be that agent pretending to be the mom. Harrowing stuff.

Fabric softener rebrands are worked on by marketing people who have just as much right to the fruits of their labors as game developers do.

OK, but how many of them are as passionate about their creations as game makers? How many of them go 5 years between chances to show their work? And is the audience for a fabric softener rebrand as huge and invested as the audience for games?

I have no idea of the answers to any of these questions, but I have a suspicion that if the situation involved fabric softener marketers, people would be laughing and making memes out of it. Which makes me suspicious of the motives of the people posting about “all the hard work” the developers are doing. I suspect it’s all self-interest: developers defending their work product, and fans defending their enjoyment of reveals.

Fabric softener reveals are a bit more exciting than games now since they don’t have loot boxes, microtransactions, or mechanics that compel children to gamble.

No, they look like candy so you eat them for the views on youtube.

Another trending gamer award recipient chasing sweet, sweet clicks has done something dumb.

Dr Disrespect proceeded to stroll into the men’s room with tens of thousands of people watching his stream, then shouted the word “Bodyguard!” while E3 attendees—including one that looked to be a child—used urinals in the background. He then went into a stall. Other clips taken later depict him re-entering the bathroom two more times and using a urinal. Kotaku viewed the clips, but we’ve chosen not to link them to protect the privacy of those in the footage. Images posted to Twitter have also depicted Dr Disrespect urinating at a urinal, with a camera person standing behind him, and with many other attendees of the show using the urinals next to him.

Jesus what a fucking idiot. Fairplay to Kotaku for the way they covered it.

edit: not you obviously. I mean DrDisrespect was an idiot :)

LOL, no worries, Rod! :)

What a ridiculous thing to try. I’m beyond baffled why he thought it was a skit worth pursuing. Does the law not apply when laughs are at stake?

All’s fair in in love and lulz!

WSJ profiles Tim Sweeney.

Thanks, Kotaku.

NSFW obviously.