Games journalism 2019 - Everything is streaming

The long and the short of this article is that the media is 100% wrong and that GamerGate is a great movement that made the world a better place. Everyone in gaming media mistreated GamerGate at an intense level. Here are some choice quotes


It’s those fucking journalists again!

So harassment has to be threatening to be an issue?


She seems so neutral it’s hard to point out who she has decided is rig… oh wait.

Of course, in the comments, is a guy trying to distance the alt right from white supremacists.

After reading the piece, I looked up her other bylines:

Kind of what I expected.

“Of interest” as a ridiculous Trumpian attempt to reframe events into a lie.

Indeed. Quite curious that, really.

I debated posting it in that thread, but this is the journalism thread. I thought it was thorough, even-handed, and well researched. I suppose it’s entirely possible that folks will “clutch pearls” about anything discussing gamergate that isn’t appropriately condemnatory to their preferred hate objects.

From what I’ve seen, Trump does not reframe as much as he plunges from rhetorical excess to excess, hyperbolizing as a matter of course. He’s the laser pointer and the press is the cat, and both seem oddly content with that relationship.


“Sure, there were some Germans who hated Jews, but overall the German people were quite accepting.”

Even-handed indeed.

It does leave out the fact that Zoe’s ex (Eron Gjoni) was organizing people via IRC to harass her. It sort of undermines the portrayal of him as an innocent in all this.

The whole article is just an attempt to memory-hole all the disgusting elements of Gamergate in favor of the minority who were actually discussing ethics in journalism.

It’s just like arguing that the Civil War wasn’t really about slavery.

I didn’t draw that conclusion (portrayal as an innocent), but all along I figured that Gjoni was lashing out at Quinn in whatever way he could due to their relationship drama.

I don’t think it matters that much on its own, but It calls into question the author’s attention to detail.

Here’s how the author starts her version of events:

The ex who started it all, programmer Eron Gjoni, was a pro-social justice leftist who…

Because the fact that Zoe Quinn’s ex-boyfriend and initial harasser was a “pro-social justice leftist” is somehow germane to the story, right? I mean, whew! Good thing the guy wasn’t some pro-GOP blogger or alt-right activist! Dodged that bullet!

It’s like the polar opposite of everything said before. Someone goes public but hey it’s okay because it was the boyfriend, not the girlfriend. Mob goes chases everyone down, threatens their lives, sends them running but it’s aok because you know, they’re women not men. I must’ve missed the court system and due process that everyone used when going after women, the journalist and you know any game content not catered to white men. And what were these individuals victims off again, not being raped, not being sexually harassed or passed over for promotions, denied industry and career opportunities because they didn’t put out or wanted to avoid hotel and couch interviews… nope, nothing as emotional scaring and permanently career altering as that. Of course not. These people were the victims of some content creators trying to create content for someone else, criticizing content with noticeable problems, and some sort of made-up culture war they think is going on.

As far as I know, there were no contracts. Just some hardcore fans on Discord who created content.
Not so different from people working as private beta testers for indie devs (Dominions, Tangledeep) for free.

Makes me sad that a high profile developer was the type of “work for me for the exposure”.
I always trough that “work for me for the exposure” people where con artist and would not find anybody falling for their scam.

Kids are dumb, and people taking vantage from kids are about the worst type of person I can imagine.

It shows a lack of professional standards from the developer. Any normal business would tell those 16 year old kids that we cannot accept your work without paying you, and since we don’t want to pay you, we can’t accept your work.

I’d bet that’s the tip of the iceberg when it comes to indie games, though.

Chucklefish says there was something, and others are calling them contracts. I posted it above but I will again for convenience.

"During this time both the core crew and community contributors were collaborating via a chat room and dedicated their time for free. Community contributors were under no obligation to create content, work to deadlines or put in any particular number of hours. Everyone was credited or remunerated as per their agreement.

More fun in the indie gaming scene. It sucks that these jerks can survive and thrive in this industry.

friendly but often difficult boss, prone to behavior that some called controlling and exploitative. Multiple former Nicalis employees said Rodriguez pressured them to drink heavily, made racist jokes in the workplace, and would oscillate between berating them and ignoring them.

One of these words is not like the others. Anyway, what a piece of work, to keep it PG.

A friendly but controlling and exploitative boss who pressures people into drinking and makes racist jokes, also berates and ignores employees… what the heck is that? Why do people need to add this seems friendly bit to what, explain away the rest?

I guess “friendly” in that context means “likes a party so much that could well be a frat boy, with all the maturity of one”…?