Gaming on PC vs. Gaming on consoles . . . a thoughtful and measured discussion.

By the latter you have high density for things like q, e, f, r, and number keys giving a wide variety of actions you can do. For example I could not play Guild Wars 2 with a controller no matter how much I wanted because I needed to access 8 action keys and there was no easy way to map that to a controller, where as I can easily do that with one hand on a keyboard.

Furthermore, due to hand layout on a controller if you are playing a dual analog stick action game you can’t aim and use the four action keys on the controller at the same time, where as you do not have that restriction on a keyboard (since your other fingers aren’t being spent holding the keyboard like it is with a controller).

Also I don’t think you’ve ever measured your reaction time. With an analog stick you must move the analog stick past the dead zone just to start getting any movement, and you must push it to it’s maximum to get 100% movement speed. On a keyboard you just have to press the “W” key and immediately start moving forward.

Oh I wish you could see me laughing. Thanks man, you made my day.

While I do like a good mouse, hot keys and key bindings are not there just so I can associate them with a dozen mouse buttons.

And they didn’t separate PC gamers from console gamers because PC gamers were… slower at reacting.

As in, you prefer comfort to performance in defining quality, which is a fine opinion (even if not a popular thing to do this days). But I’m still going to nitpick that it isn’t universal; the few times I’ve tried to aim with a controller, it was anything but comfortable (which I know is a matter of habituation).

In the context of FPS games, this is the equivalent of ‘good people on both sides’.

Gamepads are great for many games, and an option on either platform, so not particularly relevant to PC vs Console. Also, tactical RPG’s or Strat games on a gamepad? With rare exception… yuck.

I also enjoy the tweaking and hardware aspect of PC gaming. Thankfully, at least thus far in life, the monetary difference is not a factor for me. My gaming is on one screen, while I have browser or video windows on others, probably a discord or IRC chat window or two open, and tweetdeck feeds. Sitting in front of a TV is just so limiting, and less social, since I have a few pockets of online friends that I can interact with while doing other things. Also, as discussed, my kids dominate the public spots in the house, so the PC is a great place to enjoy non-kid friendly fare. Moreover, whenever my 13 year old son sits at my desk, coming from the PS4 Pro, he’s agog at how much better everything looks on my PC, and how much more accurate the M/K controls are…

I would never claim my preference is universal. And I certainly don’t think the controller is perfect in all situations. But I do, for instance, really like it for FPS games. I tried playing something a few years back, I forget exactly what but some random FPS, using a mouse and keyboard and I couldn’t wrap my brain around it. I could beat that with practice, no doubt, but I’m kind of past the point where it matters enough to me to try.

I have a simple answer. Fidelity of control, especially when it comes to aiming, or games that have a lot of keybinds. Controllers just don’t have enough of either of those, especially when being fast is required.

WoW is a perfect example, there is just no way I could ever play a game like that with a controller, there are just too many different things to have to do. Console games, because of the inherit control scheme, tend to be a bit more simplistic in nature. That’s not really a dig, I like a lot of console games, and have owned a console since they sold pong at Sears. Consoles can be really great, and can be more relaxing. I used to have a 52" plasma hooked up to my xbox in my bedroom. Few things can match the joy of lying in bed playing Xbox on that thing.

At the end of the day, they each have their strengths, I like them both for that reason.

Final Fantasy XIV Online works well on controller, and I wouldn’t call it simpler than WoW.

It uses the two triggers as modifiers for the face buttons and d-pad, letting you quickly hit any of 16 different hotbar actions by holding a trigger and hitting a button. Then one of the bumpers is also a modifier, to swap between 8 different hotbar sets. There’s similar setup for target selection.

I play it on PC and find it more comfortable/casual using the controller. Not to say it’s a superior mechanism, I just don’t think the game is any simpler due to being on PS4 as well. And the PS4 version also supports m/k! :)

Sorry, I get lost in my own thoughts and make contradicting paragraphs sometimes. I just want to make the point that control preferences can be for optimal, practical and/or comfort reasons, what’s best is relative. Much like a lot of the reasons prefer PC or consoles. Or, heavens, mobile.

And I remember when it came out, the first time, designed for a controller and slow as hell on anything with a UI. It was so horrific they had to relaunch it to work better with a K/M and you know, actually do something when you hit a button. I’m not sure those with a controller could even tolerate it fully then but i was definitely under the impression that was their starting point to begin with.

Yeah. I have reasons to like one over the other, and in a perfect world… I would pick based on that and that alone.

I’m talking about Realm Reborn, not the abomination from 10 years ago. The one you can play today. :)

They are pretty much different games.

You don’t have to convince me. I beta’d one and bought the other. I just wonder if part of the problem with the original was this weird controller based thing they had going. The UI was clearly not designed for how PC players play games … So weird.

Yeah they planned to release the original on PS3 as well as PC, plus I guess they didn’t have a lot of PC expertise back then either.

This whole discussion reminds me of trying to get through the shooting test in the Alpha Protocol tutorial. I tried 5 times with a controller and couldn’t get a passing grade. I tried once with KB & M and got the highest possible score.

To each their own, of course, but some people’s thumbs seem to be wired completely differently than mine.

I’ve played on damn near everything, but there’s one reason for preferring consoles I haven’t seen mentioned: the posture required for PC gaming is brutal on my back. Using mouse & KB freezes me in place, and after a relatively short period of time, my aging back with bulging discs gets sore and stiff. Getting old sucks. Console gaming, with all of the controls in one small package that’s not dependent on a desk or mouse pad, allows for a lot more flexibility in posture.

That, and console exclusives, is enough to keep me buying new systems even though I have a very capable PC.

You can use a controller with the PC. It’s not like you are stuck using a m+kB.

And I do, but some games (I’m on a WoW kick right now) demand more than a controller can offer.

But those games you have no choice but to play on the PC with m+kb. The original question was if you have both a PC and a Console why would you play on the PC. So as far as posture required for PC gaming, you could use a controller on the PC for any game that is also available on the console. The only games that would require a m+kb and thus hurt your back, are games you couldn’t play on the console anyway.

Um, you win?
