Gaming's Top 50 Journalists

The “Print” link is merely a “Whole thing in one page with no cruft” link.

Because I’m bored, I did a little counting: there are only 12 names on that list who aren’t “editor” this or “director” that; and there are only six women.

Favorite quote so far: "Prior to her work on The Escapist, [Julianne Greer] had worked as a professional broadsword fighter . . . "

+50 Geek hawtness

Congrats to those who have been acknowledged and “Boo! Hiss” with those who have not. I demand a recount if one is warranted!

There are 50 game journalists?

I think Chris Buffa should have made the list, and titled it “These 50 Good Game Journalists Are Better Than 50 Bad Game Journalists.”

You’re on my list, Abner, if that helps.

Out of curiosity, why did they use the pic of Steve that the news would use if he were accused of killing someone? You know the pic where you say, “Just look at him! You KNOW he did it!”

Because all pictures of Steve look like that.


Dude, that “rich white Vermont girl murdered” thing in the news happened a block from my apartment, and the body was found near my office.


That’s gotta freak a person out.

Chris Buffa looks exactly how I imagined he would.

One presumes that Mr. Orland wants future freelance work. Kissing your potential boss’ ass in print is a powerful motivator I hear.

wtf no whitta = no credibility

Interesting. “50 most influential,” not “50 highest quality.” I can almost buy that. The most prolific blizzards-of-wisdom…sorta like Anne Rice and Danielle Steele.

Except for Jeff Green, who’s more “stopping by the woods on a snowy evening,” of course. :)

It isn’t an entirely terrible list, but it’s as if Kyle looked up a bunch of publications and scrounged around for info about the EIC. Geez, even Buffa could do that.

I also like how they swapped in some kid’s picture for Jeff Green’s entry; I guess they must have had trouble finding a scannable daguerreotype.

  • Alan



You still retain some sense of credibility as your picture does not look like something from a gothic-style MySpace page.

Plus, the suit and tie give you indie credit.

This makes me sad.


QFT :)

Is it just me, or does Morgan Webb bear a striking resemblance to Elvira: Mistress of the Dark in that photo?

Is this a bad thing?