Gears of War Ultimate Edition

Play Gears: UE this year and get the 4 original Gears games on Xbox One through BC.

Note that Gears of War (the original) is currently available for play through BC now if you’re in the Xbox One preview program.

If you own any of the Gears games on 360, Microsoft confirmed that you will be able to play them through BC on Xbox One for free when the program launches in Fall.

Comparison video:

This is out for PC today.

Microsoft Windows Store, Windows 10 only, etc.

I was looking forward to this. Still not sure about upgrading to 10 though…

I did have a lot of fun with it on the Xbox. It certainly looks pretty nice. I actually just fired up Gears 2 (backwards compat on Xbox) the other night and, while it still looks nice, it’s nowhere near as crisp as the HD edition of 1.

Hoo boy.

Gears of War Ultimate Edition isn’t a new implementation of a classic game, it’s built on the same source code and engine as its 10-year-old predecessor. That means everything The Coalition did to bring the game into the modern age, like adding 4K support and higher-quality textures, was done with a version of the Unreal Engine that was barely out of diapers. Not even the latest version of UE3 supports DX12 — but Microsoft decided to stuff it into a decade-old title and shove it into the Windows Store. However they hacked the engine to implement DirectX 12, there’s no way that the 2006-era Unreal engine could ever be considered a good candidate for the process.

But, but…MS care about PC gaming!

Forbes hasn’t got the best record when it comes to reporting on Microsoft. In fact, weren’t they the one that sites some twitter guy about Windows phoning home?

There are two links there.

Linking to Forbes is like linking to fox news, it makes everything suspect and legitimate news sources with the same story.

Hehe. Well, true. It isn’t as if it would be the first time one “news” outlet is used as a “Honest guv’na” source for another news site, and then a third and a fourth.

Still, it sounds very plausible and fits with the narrative of Microsoft being bastards.

The response. Basically, you don’t have to sell on the Windows Store if you don’t want to. You can still take advantage of the features. I believe side loading is the phrase used, but easier than on Android.

Not locking down because it is already locked down?
Sideloading still means it is a UWP application with the restrictions (as reported for Gears), no (I.e. no modifications)?

Either way, with UWP/Win10 - .exe file/offline gaming is dead, it is just a matter of time. Still, it will take time, so enjoy the few years we have left :-)

Guess we will learn more after /Build.

If nothing else – it certainly boosts SteamOS viability (Replacing one “platform” for another…)

The fact that the little butch from epic backed down as soon as he heard it was pretty telling.

More like trying to emulate apple’s revenue stream and get a piece of that pie.

I picked this up on the Windows Store and I had kind of forgotten how good this game was, as the progenitor of all the cover based shooters. It got so much right!!

The remaster looks fuckin’ GOOD at 4k, too – but I can’t sustain anything close to 60fps when zoomed in even with a 980ti. I could dick with settings but 2440p or whatever works fine and feels awfully close to 60fps.

(1080p lol console peons)

Anyway kudos on the remaster, it’s worthy of the word for sure. Does not look at all like a 2005 eta ported Xbox 360 title.

I’ve been playing this on and off for the past few weeks as part of the Xbox Game Pass. I’m still not to the point I got to on the 360 and then later on the PC version, where I made it a little farther.

In those two versions, I thought progress was so slow because I chose to play on Hard. But this time I’m playing on the default difficulty, and progress is still slow. The difficulty hasn’t made much of a difference. I still have to die a lot and realize, oh, the game really does want me to flank that machine gun nest, not just shoot the guy, because killing him just means that someone else takes over at the turret. Things like that.

I’m also surprised that unlike the last two times I tried playing this game almost a decade ago, I never had problems with the controls, but there’s times now where I want Marcus to get into cover so I hit A, but he ends up being all janky and doing weird things, and I die almost instantly. In fact, lowering the difficulty hasn’t changed how quickly you get killed in this game. If the enemy has a shotgun, and you’re not in cover, you’re dead instantly.

Honestly, it feels exactly the same as the harder difficulty level.

Continuing through this, and this campaign continues to be a trainwreck, IMHO. There’s so many places where you’re railroaded into only playing a certain way. They just introduced the Boomers, for instance, and how did they introduce them? By putting them in a narrow hallway in front of you.

In Horde mode in Gears 2, these guys are so cool when mixed in with other enemies. Me and my friends always shouted “BOOMER” when we spotted one, and made them a priority to take out despite whoever else we were fighting. So to see them introduced in such an underwhelming way in Gears 1 just feels so wrong.

To be fair, it makes sense to introduce them in that way since we haven’t seen anything like that earlier in the game, and I remember dying to them a couple of times the first time I played it back in 2006.