Geek Chic, the folks that make those badass gaming tables? - They're done.

Depends on the credit card company.

And best of all (this is not sarcasm), the credit card processor will eat the cost of those, if there genuinely aren’t any saleable assets leftover at Geek Chic, so for once, the banks get to eat their own instead of the little guy :)

You should always be willing to pull the chargeback switch; it’s one of your greatest weapons as a consumer.

I’m all for a table for gaming, but that company was shady as shit. I met with one of their sales people at comic-con and it was like buying a used car from a guy on craigslist. The price no way reflected the quality and every question I asked got answered with anything but what I asked. Check out Rathskeller and Geekson tables if you’re interested in a table.