Gems of War. The wait for PQ fans is over (sort of)

I’m too new, only completed 3 kingdoms and weak teams still. In fact there is so much going on it takes some working out.

If anyone has any simple tactics for lower level stuff it would be appreciated. I am level 32 atm

It has been a while since we have had enough people to push for the 10k seals mark, but I would be willing to play more one week if we had a shot to get it. I am not sure we have enough playing right now, though.

I’m going to try this game out again for a while. If you wouldn’t mind adding BELOUSKI, I can try to figure out if I can contribute anything useful.

We should end up around 7k this week. Now that I’m taking a break from rocket league I should be good for 1000+ each week.

I am stocking up on Orbs of Clans, and hoping to eventually burn them all at once to get to 20K or even 40K seals for a week. (At 20K, the guild keys are effectively glory keys; at 40K, they are gem keys). It will be a while - I have about 8.5K seals’ worth of orbs banked - but it’s very much on my long term goal list. As far as I know, the orbs can stack without limit, in excess of the normal weekly max.

Note that until you have you have them all upgraded to mythic, about half of your guild key drops will be the guild Guardian cards, which drops the value substantially until you get those done.


Is that the only way you get the guild guardian cards and are they any good?

I found it helpful to do some arena runs to get the souls necessary to max level of my best team, then use those to chew through the campaigns. New weapons appear to be unlocked based on your mastery levels, so there’s value in focusing your character masteries in a couple of specific areas, to get to some more effective weapons. For actual masteries in battle, the guild ones will overshadow anything you have your own at low levels.

I checked the guild roster last night and saw a Belouski already in there. Is that an old one or did you get in, @belouski ?

Never mind… see that Kyrios got ya!

Yeah, thanks for checking and thankto @Kyrios for the invite. I’m still trying to figure out all the new stuff and there is a lot of new stuff.

Yes, and I would describe them as situational. They also have very high Arcane requirements to trait out, so in any case, they are not super useful as you are leveling up.

I of course know what Souls are and what they are for. But I’ve been receiving Challenge Souls in much greater quantities and I have no idea what they are good for.

I like a lot of the improvements they’ve made to the game. Unfortunately, I think it has really gimped my PVP, because my old powerhouses don’t seem to match up very well with supposedly equally-rated teams all buffed out. I’ll jump into a combat against a supposedly equal team and find it completely unequal. Part of that is I need to put a team with better synergy together.

Thanks for this, still moving on nicely, just ploughing through the campaigns and unlocking classes (any idea if there are better classes or not).

Is it souls from PvP mainly as I seem to never have enough of them.

I’ve been sticking with the Warlord for now. The additional attack and the unlocked special weapon from level 20? I think have been pretty helpful.

Each 8-win Arena run on hard is worth about ~4k gold and ~2k souls, which is enough to take something from level 1 -> 16 or so. Since arena doesn’t care about your own personal level, troops, etc. it’s a good place to do the very earliest stuff IMO. I’ve found that going to warlord1 on Arena makes the fights too difficult to reliably get 8 wins.

If there is still room in the guild, I would love an invite. DANTESWITNESS_FQI9

Thank you.

Invite Sent!

Hit PVP tier 1 for the 1st time. Now I’m working on unlocking the soulforge and the other content that is locked behind the story fights.

I was doing the campaign but doing the 8 Arena battles gives you decent return. Have a team that works well at the moment

Get to the soulforge, in the blighted lands, first. It levels based on # of enemies killed but doesn’t start counting until you unlock it (or you level it up, so you need to keep checking it).

Also, don’t forget to get an armor when you have the gems for it, the multiplier, esp. for gold, applies to PVP rewards!

Should I hold onto my glory or should I Just spend it all on glory-chests?

I’ve already got the dragon armor and the other one, celestial? I’m mostly done with the blighted lands, think I have like 6 more fights to finish it.

And you equipped it? I may or may not have bought armor and then not equipped it for a couple of days…