Gems of War. The wait for PQ fans is over (sort of)

Invite code is SARELN_UGFS

I just sent you an invite, @Sareln, but it said you were already in another guild?

Yeah, it was a quest thing, do I need to drop from it first? (edit: dropped).

I would like an invite Reemul_Q7WT cheers

Invites out to both Sareln and Reemul, both look like they went through fine.

Got it and joined, thanks.

Yeah me too, thanks

Should I be using my hero instead of 4 troops?

Very hard to say, depends a lot on what your options are on both sides (troops/upgrades and weapons/classes). Many of the endgame meta setups do use the hero, but the value comes out of fully upgraded classes and/or rare weapons. There are also very viable groups with no hero.

Of the hero classes, I tend to use Bard, Mechanist, and Dragonguard most often, but there are another half-dozen that I see at least occasionally in opposing teams. The weapons that strip an opponent’s armor (e.g. Mang) are very useful during certain events, Dawnbringer (the crafted weapon that takes a million plus souls) is all around really good, and there are, again, a lot of other weapons that are in some sort of use.

At the higher levels of play, heroes are pretty much mandatory IMO. After the introduction not only of classes, but of champion levels that give you amazing abilities like stealth, inflicting status effects ,damage reduction, etc., and the leveling of weapons, heroes are simply too valuable to not use if you are facing high-end opposition in PvP type battles. Some weapons, like Dawnbreaker, are still OP and in the right color/troop combos are ludicrous.

Do the classes level up with use? If so then I guess it makes sense to use my hero now regardless since it will better prepare me for latter when I will for sure want to use it?

Classes level with use, to unlock talents, and can also be upgraded with souls to boost stats.

Current campaigning team is:

Hero, Warlord (20), Priest Hammer +5
Sisters of Shadow (17)
Elven Bard (16)
Sunweaver (18)

I’m currently running a dragon team:

Borealis (19)
Dragotaur (18)
Visk (18)
Dragonette (18)

Suppose I could swap out dragonette or Visk for my hero, will lose my Dragonclaw and dragon bonuses which kind of sucks though

The majority of my “mid-game” phase was with a 4 dragon, no hero team based around The Dragon Soul, to win a bunch and accumulate souls to level up. Not sure if that would be as viable these days with Explode nerfed, but it worked really well at the time.

I would say to use a hero if you have a specific purpose behind it (either weapon or skill), and don’t worry too much about it if that’s not part of your best 4 yet. A lot of leveling up is about leveraging the best troops available to you, whether those are a mythic or a legendary or just some good epics. Hopefully at least legendaries fairly soon, though!

Yeah, the funnest part of the game is when you don’t have a lot of great mythic troops, and have to improvise. After a while, you tend to just run FOTM killer teams for everything, which is boring.

In terms of leveling quickly, is it just do all the campaign missions, play the arena when you need souls to get your team to max-level, keep eye on the subquests and do those when it makes sense?

I’m starting to play this off and on again, so if there’s room in the Guild, my invite code is FLETCHTOWER.


They have changed the early game a ton since I was doing it, but I think it should still be, do whatever you need to get all of your kingdoms unlocked and leveled, because (through the hourly tribute) that will drive most of the remaining resource collection. It used to be that it was just gold, troops, and traits to do that. Now, I’d think it’s built around whatever goals you need to level up kingdoms, especially to get the levels with increases in tribute chance.

I’ve been mostly focusing on PVP to generate seals for the guild and then using gold to level up the kingdoms.

I wish we could get to the 10K seals mark. I don’t really want to waste me seals on the lower chest garbage. We just need a couple more people that can get close to the max seals for the week.