Genshin Impact - Anime Gacha or F2P Breath of the Wild?

oh there’s a typo: epebophilia

Yes. :(

I’ve been playing a ton of the game. As someone who bounced off Breath of the Wild completely, I like how meaty this game is in terms of giving me reasons to do stuff. I’m adventure rank 16 now.

I laughed.

I asked myself this same question in game…literally out loud lol. I think I figured out their monetization strategy…just waiting for the popup that says “Do you want to kill Paimon now? Only 5000 Genshin Bucks, click here!!!”

About to hit Adventure Rank 35 and I’m basically “done” with exploring the existing content. I’m still missing a handful of geo and wind wisps (not their actual name, but the things you collect to upgrade the statues) and I’m sure there’s more puzzles and lucrative chests to find, but for the most part I’m going to be in a holding pattern and just use my resin to upgrade my guys each day waiting for the next content drop / event / whatever.

Had a really good time with the game, although I wish the coop in the open world was handled better. Hopefully that’s something they can address going forward. Ended up dropping about $60 because I was enjoying it so much, no ragrets.

I’m at AR24 for the moment, just whizzing around unlocking waypoints and collecting geoculi in Liyue. Some thoughts:

  • BoTW is a beautifully designed game. So elegant. This is not that. Layers of stats, upgrades and currency, along with associated mechanical ambiguities (if I switch away from Fischl, would a crit from Oz still proc her Favonius bow?) Still, I happen to enjoy all these fatty RPG trimmings, so I’m not actually complaining.
  • The adventure rank and stats grind keeps me exploring, whereas I gave up on Korok seeds about a third of the way through.
  • Mondstadt is okay, Liyue is gorgeous. Curious how well this will end up running on the switch.
  • Combat is alright, bit too easy in the overworld (at my current world level anyway) and seems like they rely too much on time limits for difficulty.
  • Gating the Revali’s Gale equivalent behind a limited 5* character is low. Not necessary, but having it is a huge QoL improvement. I rerolled a bunch of times until I got Venti.

I feel like the game is worth dropping some money, but the drop rate of the casino is so awful that it discourages me from even trying and there’s nothing else of value to spend money on. (I suppose it’s a small blessing that these days I at least get to know in advance the rates are terrible)

Yeah, the rates and the primogem rewards are terrible. I paid for the monthly blessing since that cuts the time to a pity 5*, but everything else seems to be bad value (including the battle pass)

That’s been my experience in every F2P game I’ve tried. More than once, I’ve been playing something for free, gone “hey, this game is pretty fun, maybe I’ll drop the devs $10-20”, and then realized that I’d go from getting 5000 gems or whatever in a week to getting 5300, and that to actually have a qualitatively different experience I’d have to be spending in the hundreds.

The only time I’ve seen a tempting and different approach was Hearthstone. There you can buy a sort of pass that gets you some QoL for one of the game mods and several coupons for another game mod you usually buy with internal game currency. Mind you, you can still buy this pass with internal game currency. I’ve heard Dota 2 has something similar but I haven’t played it.

Other than that - yeah, it seems all f2p are only interested in whales who spend hundreds and free riders who spend almost nothing.

The cheaper option for the battle pass is pretty decent if you’re playing the game quite a bit. Mora and exp books become really hard to get enough of around AR30+ so the boosted amounts in the battle pass helps.

Or course, the game goes downhill quite a bit at AR30 just because you’re done with most of the currently available content anyway (which is a major reason the money and exp dry up).

Yep I just hit AR30 and suddenly I can see the grind very clearly.

Seems like everyone has that realization slightly differently. I know a guy who made it to mid 30s, another to 20, and I barely made it to AR18 before I couldn’t deal with the grind anymore.

I enjoy exploration the most so there really wasn’t any sort of grind, I was just roaming high and low finding hidden chests and puzzles. Liyue in particular I found to be an absolute joy to explore. Now that I’ve explored most of it, I’ll just do my daily commissions for a while and wait for them to release new areas or events.

For what I did, the game was pretty generous in terms of what F2P currency was needed. I don’t care at all about pushing the spiral abyss or anything so for the time being the gacha claws didn’t find any purchase.

I see what you did there.

AR40 is when the gear options open up as well, so far up there imo

I don’ t have much to do in the game anymore- Finnaly got Venti and Fisch, so I can make a great team with Chomguy, Xiangling, Barbara and Fisch, but I don’t really have anything to do with that team other than patrolling the map to find chests - and I don’t really want to burn myself of this game- What makes more sense to me is to wait for they to release more content

Anyone still playing this? I’m logging half an hour or so a day, just doing dailies, inching my way towards AR40. The new update added some really nice QoL stuff, especially condensed Resin (hate the domain with the ice slimes, but everyone needs those books…Now I just need to run it 3 times a day!)

Will probably get to the new storyline missions this weekend. Also finally spent some of the gems I’ve been hoarding and ended up with a Childe and a c5 Beidou, guess I’m building her for the beta team.

I poke at it a bit. Still haven’t exhausted the initial release content.